How many student's were required to attend a review panel due to exam misconduct in 2018

Sebastian Kostas made this Freedom of Information request to Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Sebastian Kostas

Dear Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority,

I am asking to obtain the information about the statistics relating to the amount of year 12 student's who had to attend a review panel due to exam misconduct in 2018

Yours faithfully,

VCAA FOI General, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Sebastian,

I refer to your application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) received by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) on 29 August 2019 seeking the following:

information about the statistics relating to the amount of year 12 student's who had to attend a review panel due to exam misconduct in 2018

I apologise for the delayed response. We were currently in the process of publishing some statistics regarding cheating during the 2018 end of year VCE examinations which I thought may relevant to your request. Please follow this link to our website

If you still wish to proceed with your FOI request, I must advise you that in its current form your application is invalid for the following reasons:

•under section 17(2A) of the FOI Act you are required to pay an application fee of $29.60; and
•under section 17(2) of the FOI Act a request must provide information that is reasonably necessary for me to identify the document(s) which you seek. The terms of your request are too vague for me to identify relevant documents. Please clarify your request by:
ospecifying what particular statistics you are seeking;
oadvising what you mean by a 'review panel due to exam misconduct in 2018'. I am unclear as to whether you are referring to review panels conducted by the VCAA in relation to external examinations, review panels conducted by schools in relation to SACs, or both. I am also unclear what you mean by 'exam misconduct' and whether you are referring to the VCAA examination rules.

Please find attached the VCAA’s FOI application form which may assist you in submitting a valid request.

If you have any queries regarding this email, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,


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VCAA FOI General, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Dear Sebastian,

I refer to your application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) received by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) on 29 August 2019 seeking access to the following:

information about the statistics relating to the amount of year 12 student's who had to attend a review panel due to exam misconduct in 2018

You were previously advised by email dated 26 September 2019 that your application was invalid under section 17(2A) of the FOI Act as it was not accompanied by the prescribed application fee and also under section 17(2) of the FOI Act as it failed to provide information reasonably necessary for me to identify the requested documents.

You were invited to pay the application fee and consult with the VCAA about amending/clarifying the terms of your request.

It has been over 21 days since my email and I have not yet received a response from you. Your application remains invalid. As a result, I will now consider this matter closed and your request will not be processed.

If you have any queries regarding this email, you can contact me by telephone on 9032 1662 or by email at [email address].

Kind regards,

Elisha Marriott

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