We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are MissAnonymous please sign in and let everyone know.

Dear Hobart City Council,

I believe that you hold statistics relatted to Homeless in your jusridiction.

Please could we point to any published statistics around homelessness in the Hobart City Council area ? Thanks

Yours faithfully,


CoH Mail, Hobart City Council

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Thank you

Tom Baxter, Hobart City Council

Dear MissAnonymous,

Thank you for your question asking if we could we point to any published statistics around homelessness in the Hobart City Council area.

The City of Hobart does not directly collect any homelessness data but relies on the information provided by government and service providers to support our work.

The best source of data for housing and homelessness related issues for Hobart can be found at the 'City of Hobart Housing Monitor' page, housing.id.com.au/hobart/affordable-housing-need#how-is-homelessness-changing

Under the "Affordable Housing Need" tab on the left-hand list of purple drop-down tabs there is a table, 'How is homelessness changing?'. It compares data from the most recent ABS Census of Population and Housing: 2016 and 2021. This table will be updated after data from the next census is published.

For information about homelessness more widely in Tasmania, you could review the websites of Shelter Tasmania at sheltertas.org.au or Homes Tasmania, www.homestasmania.com.au, the State government department responsible for housing and homelessness.

Warm regards,
Dr Tom Baxter
Project Officer Legal
City of Hobart
50 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000 | hobartcity.com.au

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Tom Baxter, Hobart City Council

Dear MissAnonymous,

Thank you for your question asking if we could we point to any published statistics around homelessness in the Hobart City Council area.

The City of Hobart does not directly collect any homelessness data but relies on the information provided by government and service providers to support our work.

The best source of data for housing and homelessness related issues for Hobart can be found at the 'City of Hobart Housing Monitor' page, housing.id.com.au/hobart/affordable-housing-need#how-is-homelessness-changing

Under the "Affordable Housing Need" tab on the left-hand list of purple drop-down tabs there is a table, 'How is homelessness changing?'. It compares data from the most recent ABS Census of Population and Housing: 2016 and 2021. This table will be updated after data from the next census is published.

For information about homelessness more widely in Tasmania, you could review the websites of Shelter Tasmania at sheltertas.org.au or Homes Tasmania, www.homestasmania.com.au, the State government department responsible for housing and homelessness.

Warm regards,
Dr Tom Baxter
Project Officer Legal
City of Hobart
50 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000 | hobartcity.com.au

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Tom Baxter, Hobart City Council

Dear MissAnonymous - resending with live weblinks,

Thank you for your question asking if we could we point to any published statistics around homelessness in the Hobart City Council area.

The City of Hobart does not directly collect any homelessness data but relies on the information provided by government and service providers to support our work.

The best source of data for housing and homelessness related issues for Hobart can be found at the 'City of Hobart Housing Monitor' page, https://housing.id.com.au/hobart/afforda...

Under the "Affordable Housing Need" tab on the left-hand list of purple drop-down tabs there is a table, 'How is homelessness changing?'. It compares data from the most recent ABS Census of Population and Housing: 2016 and 2021. This table will be updated after data from the next census is published.

For information about homelessness more widely in Tasmania, you could review the websites of Shelter Tasmania at https://sheltertas.org.au/ or Homes Tasmania, https://www.homestasmania.com.au/, the State government department responsible for housing and homelessness.

Warm regards,
Dr Tom Baxter
Project Officer Legal
City of Hobart
50 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000 | www.hobartcity.com.au

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are MissAnonymous please sign in and let everyone know.