Guidelines for the release of information where necessary in the public interest. (LEX 42717 and LEX 40029).

Rex Banner made this Freedom of Information request to Services Australia

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Services Australia,

I'd like to request the already released documents:

Guidelines for the release of information where necessary in the public interest. (LEX 42717 and LEX 40029).

as per
Yours faithfully,

Rex Banner


Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information (FOI) team in Services
Australia (the Agency).


This email acknowledges your correspondence and provides some general
information in relation to FOI.



The Agency will advise you if a charge is payable to process your request
and the amount of any such charge as soon as practicable. No charge is
payable for providing a person with their own personal information.


Your address

The FOI Act requires you to provide us with an address which we can send
notices to. We will send correspondence and notices to your email address.
Please advise us as soon as possible if you wish correspondence to be sent
to another address or if your email address changes.


Administrative release of documents

The Agency has administrative access arrangements in place for the release
of certain documents without the need for a formal FOI request. These
arrangements do not extend to information or material of third parties.


Exclusion of staff details

The Agency is working towards ensuring all staff have a choice about
whether they provide their full name, personal logon identifiers and
direct contact details in response to FOI requests. Where such details are
included in documents they will be redacted. If you request staff details
as part of your FOI application, this may add to processing time and
applicable charges as it will be necessary to consider whether these
details are exempt under the FOI Act.


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1 Attachment

Dear Mr Banner


I refer to your request for documents released on Services Australia's
Disclosure Log under LEX 42717 and LEX 40029.


Your request has been received​ and we will process it as soon as


You can expect the documents from us by 15 February 2023.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Please use
FOI LEX reference number LEX 71821.


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Practitioner

Information Access Branch



Email: [2][email address]

Please note: This email and any attachments may contain information
subject to legal professional privilege or information that is otherwise
sensitive or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this
email, you are prohibited from using or disseminating this communication.
If you have received this communication in error please notify the sender
immediately and permanently delete this email.

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2. mailto:[email address]


2 Attachments

Dear Mr Banner


I refer to your request for access to the document released on Services
Australia’s disclosure log under LEX 42717 and 40029.


Please find the relevant document attached. Please contact us if there are
any problems in opening the attachment.


Your request is now finalised.


Kind regards,




Freedom of Information Practitioner

Freedom of Information and Ombudsman Branch



Email: [2][email address]


Please note: This email and any attachments may contain information
subject to legal professional privilege or information that is otherwise
sensitive or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this
email, you are prohibited from using or disseminating this communication.
If you have received this communication in error please notify the sender
immediately and permanently delete this email.


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Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]