Green Army Correspondence

Jackson Gothe-Snape made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Education, Skills and Employment

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Department of Employment,

Could you please provide all correspondence between the Department of Employment and the Minister for Employment or the Minister's staff relating to the Green Army since 7 September 2013.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Employment - FOI,

For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape

The Department of Employment has received your request below and will process it in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act).

If you have any questions about your request, please contact us via email: [email address]

Yours sincerely

Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment [email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackson Gothe-Snape [mailto:[FOI #761 email]]
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2014 2:27 PM
To: Employment - FOI
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Green Army Correspondence

Dear Department of Employment,

Could you please provide all correspondence between the Department of Employment and the Minister for Employment or the Minister's staff relating to the Green Army since 7 September 2013.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Gothe-Snape


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #761 email]

Is [email address] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Department of Employment? If so, please contact us using this form:

Write your response as plain text. Only send PDF documents as a last resort. Government guidelines make it clear that PDF is not an acceptable format for you to use in the delivery of government information.

This request is being made by an individual using the Right to Know website. The unique email address provided by the service for this request satisfies s.15(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

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Employment - FOI,

1 Attachment

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.

Yours sincerely

Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackson Gothe-Snape [mailto:[FOI #761 email]]
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2014 2:27 PM
To: Employment - FOI
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Green Army Correspondence

Dear Department of Employment,

Could you please provide all correspondence between the Department of Employment and the Minister for Employment or the Minister's staff relating to the Green Army since 7 September 2013.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Gothe-Snape


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #761 email]

Is [email address] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Department of Employment? If so, please contact us using this form:

Write your response as plain text. Only send PDF documents as a last resort. Government guidelines make it clear that PDF is not an acceptable format for you to use in the delivery of government information.

This request is being made by an individual using the Right to Know website. The unique email address provided by the service for this request satisfies s.15(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

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Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the response.

Can you please clarify the date range in which the documents were created?

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Employment - FOI,

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

As per your FOI request to the department, dated 12 August 2014, the department's search for documents was limited to documents created after 7 September 2013. Accordingly, documents located through the department's search fall within the date range of October 2013 to July 2014.


Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackson Gothe-Snape [mailto:[FOI #761 email]]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 October 2014 4:25 PM
To: Employment - FOI
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Green Army Correspondence [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the response.

Can you please clarify the date range in which the documents were created?

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

-----Original Message-----

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.

Yours sincerely

Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[Department of Employment request email]

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #761 email]

Write your response as plain text. Only send PDF documents as a last resort. Government guidelines make it clear that PDF is not an acceptable format for you to use in the delivery of government information.

This request is being made by an individual using the Right to Know website. The unique email address provided by the service for this request satisfies s.15(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

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Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the prompt clarification.

You noted that my request was dated 12 August 2014. I respectfully submit that my request was dated 8 September 2014. Can you please clarify whether there were any documents created within the date range 12 August 2014 and 7 September 2014? I fear the uncertainty around the date of the request may have resulted in the unintentional exclusion of some documents.

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Employment - FOI,

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

Apologies - we confirm that your request was received by the Department on 8 September 2014, therefore any searches conducted would include documents created in August/early September (i.e. up to the date of your request).

Kind regards

Laura Davis
Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackson Gothe-Snape [mailto:[FOI #761 email]]
Sent: Thursday, 2 October 2014 3:21 PM
To: Employment - FOI
Subject: Re: FW: Freedom of Information request - Green Army Correspondence [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the prompt clarification.

You noted that my request was dated 12 August 2014. I respectfully submit that my request was dated 8 September 2014. Can you please clarify whether there were any documents created within the date range 12 August 2014 and 7 September 2014? I fear the uncertainty around the date of the request may have resulted in the unintentional exclusion of some documents.

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

-----Original Message-----

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

As per your FOI request to the department, dated 12 August 2014, the department's search for documents was limited to documents created after 7 September 2013. Accordingly, documents located through the department's search fall within the date range of October 2013 to July 2014.


Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[Department of Employment request email]

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #761 email]

Write your response as plain text. Only send PDF documents as a last resort. Government guidelines make it clear that PDF is not an acceptable format for you to use in the delivery of government information.

This request is being made by an individual using the Right to Know website. The unique email address provided by the service for this request satisfies s.15(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

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Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the clarification.

Are you able to provide only the documents from July 2014 or would you like me to lodge another FOI?

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Employment - FOI,

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

I refer to your below email in which you have enquired whether the department is able to provide only the documents from July 2014, or whether you should lodge another FOI request.

It is open to you to revise your request such that it covers only those documents from July 2014 to the date of your request (8 September 2014). In the circumstances of such a revision we will not require you to lodge a new request under the FOI Act.

Should you choose to revise your request in this manner, the department will proceed to process your request which may include preparing a revised assessment of any applicable charges and consulting with any relevant third parties prior to making a decision regarding access to the relevant documents in accordance with the provisions of the FOI Act.

If you would like to make such a revision to your request, please let us know.

Kind regards

Laura Davis
Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackson Gothe-Snape [mailto:[FOI #761 email]]
Sent: Monday, 6 October 2014 10:32 AM
To: Employment - FOI
Subject: Re: FW: FW: Freedom of Information request - Green Army Correspondence [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the clarification.

Are you able to provide only the documents from July 2014 or would you like me to lodge another FOI?

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

-----Original Message-----

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

Apologies - we confirm that your request was received by the Department on 8 September 2014, therefore any searches conducted would include documents created in August/early September (i.e. up to the date of your request).

Kind regards

Laura Davis
Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[Department of Employment request email]

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #761 email]

Write your response as plain text. Only send PDF documents as a last resort. Government guidelines make it clear that PDF is not an acceptable format for you to use in the delivery of government information.

This request is being made by an individual using the Right to Know website. The unique email address provided by the service for this request satisfies s.15(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

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Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the email.

Can I please revise the request such that it covers only the most recent document created between July 2014 and 8 September 2014.

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Employment - FOI,

1 Attachment

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.

Should you have any questions in relation to this matter, please contact me via email to [email address].

Kind regards

Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackson Gothe-Snape [mailto:[FOI #761 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 21 October 2014 12:11 PM
To: Employment - FOI
Subject: Re: FW: FW: FW: Freedom of Information request - Green Army Correspondence [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]

Dear Employment - FOI,

Thank you for the email.

Can I please revise the request such that it covers only the most recent document created between July 2014 and 8 September 2014.

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

-----Original Message-----

For Official Use Only
Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape

I refer to your below email in which you have enquired whether the department is able to provide only the documents from July 2014, or whether you should lodge another FOI request.

It is open to you to revise your request such that it covers only those documents from July 2014 to the date of your request (8 September 2014). In the circumstances of such a revision we will not require you to lodge a new request under the FOI Act.

Should you choose to revise your request in this manner, the department will proceed to process your request which may include preparing a revised assessment of any applicable charges and consulting with any relevant third parties prior to making a decision regarding access to the relevant documents in accordance with the provisions of the FOI Act.

If you would like to make such a revision to your request, please let us know.

Kind regards

Laura Davis
Information Law Team
Information Law, Practice Management and Corporate Advising Branch Australian Government Department of Employment

[Department of Employment request email]

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #761 email]

Write your response as plain text. Only send PDF documents as a last resort. Government guidelines make it clear that PDF is not an acceptable format for you to use in the delivery of government information.

This request is being made by an individual using the Right to Know website. The unique email address provided by the service for this request satisfies s.15(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

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