We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ben Engels please sign in and let everyone know.

GP Catchment area correspondence with ASGS

Ben Engels made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Health

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Ben Engels to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Department of Health,

I hope you're well.

Context: I'd like to understand "geographical GP catchment areas" as referenced in the Distribution Priority Area program in more detail (https://www.health.gov.au/topics/rural-h...). Specifically, I would like to be able to use the wealth of Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) data available and compare it to these geographical catchment areas.

Ask: My request is for an excel mapping file that maps ASGS SA1 codes with their corresponding geographical GP catchment area as per the most recent DPA update (July 2022). In support, I make two points:
+ I believe this is possible due to various comments made by the department such as "[The DPA uses]...population statistics from the ABS 2020-21 Estimated Residential Population (ERP)...The ERP data is at Statistical Area (SA) 1 level by gender group and in 1-year age blocks"
+ I am aware of the Health Workforce Locator map online outlines these areas, but is not fit for purpose for analytical purposes and would create an impossible amount of work to compare to SA1 and SA2 ASGS data.

Yours faithfully,

FOI, Department of Health

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Engels,


I refer to your request received by the Department of Health and Aged Care
(the department) for access to documents under the Freedom of Information
Act 1982 (FOI Act). You have requested access to:


My request is for an excel mapping file that maps ASGS SA1 codes with
their corresponding geographical GP catchment area as per the most recent
DPA update (July 2022). In support, I make two points:+ I believe this is
possible due to various comments made by the department such as "[The DPA
uses]...population statistics from the ABS 2020-21 Estimated Residential
Population (ERP)...The ERP data is at Statistical Area (SA) 1 level by
gender group and in 1-year age blocks"+ I am aware of the Health Workforce
Locator map online outlines these areas, but is not fit for purpose for
analytical purposes and would create an impossible amount of work to
compare to SA1 and SA2 ASGS data.


I have consulted with the relevant business area within the department who
have advise that the information you are seeking can be provided


Please be advised that by providing this information on an administrative
basis, we anticipate that you will receive the document/s in the first
week in March. However, proceeding with an FOI request is a more involved
process and may take more time.


Noting the above, the department is seeking your agreement to withdraw
your FOI request and receive an administrative response.


Please advise at your earliest convenience, by COB on Tuesday 28 February
2023 if you agree to withdraw. If a response is not received by this date,
the Department will proceed to process your request under the FOI Act.


You can contact the FOI team via email at [1][email address], should you
have any questions.


Kind regards,



FOI Officer – Freedom of Information Section

Legal Advice and Legislation

Legal and Assurance Division | Corporate Operations Group

Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care

T: 02 6289 1666 | E: [2][email address]

PO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

The Department of Health and Aged Care acknowledges the traditional owners
of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to
elders both past and present



show quoted sections

Hi Tegan + team,

Thank you for your prompt reply. In principle I'm fine to close the request and receive it as an "administrative response". However before doing so can you advise how I actually go about doing this and getting the information via administrative access? Do I contact someone via email, fill in a different link etc?

Yours sincerely,
Ben Engels

FOI, Department of Health

2 Attachments

Good afternoon Mr Engels


Thank you for your email. Apologies for not making this clear. If you
agree to withdraw and receive an administrative response, the FOI team
will facilitate the admin release. i.e. the business area will provide the
documents to our team and we will provide them to you via email.


Please confirm you would like to proceed with an administrative release by
COB 01 March 2023.


Kind regards,



FOI Officer – Freedom of Information Section

Legal Advice and Legislation

Legal and Assurance Division | Corporate Operations Group

Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care

T: 02 6289 1666 | E: [1][email address]

PO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

The Department of Health and Aged Care acknowledges the traditional owners
of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to
elders both past and present



show quoted sections

Dear FOI team,

Thank you again for your reply. That sounds fine. Lastly, can you kindly clarify:
1. If you have access to my email via righttoknow so therefore the FOI team can email me?
2. If not -- to which email address I can provide this such that I can receive the information?
3. How can I contact the FOI team and/or business area throughout the process to hear status given this forum would then be closed?

Once the above resolved will happily close the request for administrative release.

Yours sincerely,
Ben Engels

FOI, Department of Health

Good afternoon Mr Engels,

Thank you for your email. The department does not have access to your personal email address. You may wish to send an email to the department providing your email address for future correspondence.

You can contact the FOI team via email: [email address]

Please confirm you would like to proceed with an administrative release by COB 03 March 2023.

Kind regards,

FOI Officer – Freedom of Information Section
Legal Advice and Legislation

Legal and Assurance Division | Corporate Operations Group
Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care
T: 02 6289 1666 | E: [email address]
PO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
The Department of Health and Aged Care acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to elders both past and present

show quoted sections


"You may wish to send an email to the department providing your email address for future correspondence." - if I don't do this how will I get the files? Which email address is most appropriate for the department.

Your note just reads "You can contact the FOI team via email: [email address]". The email address is redacted.

I understand the desire to make this administrative and I'm fine with that, but can you please create a practical solution so I can get the data? Please state exactly what I need to do and which email address to email (unredacted).

Yours sincerely,
Ben Engels

FOI, Department of Health

Good morning Mr Engels,

The department is separate to the Right to Know website and as such it appears the Right to Know website is redacting the email address. You may wish to phone the FOI hotline on the number below and provide your email address via this mechanism. If you do not wish to do so, please respond at your earliest convenience and the Department will proceed to process your request under the FOI Act.

Kind regards,

FOI Officer – Freedom of Information Section
Legal Advice and Legislation

Legal and Assurance Division | Corporate Operations Group
Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care
T: 02 6289 1666 | E: [email address]
PO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
The Department of Health and Aged Care acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to elders both past and present

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ben Engels please sign in and let everyone know.