Govt. Funding Given to Job Providers Based on Successful Outcomes of the Jobactive System in 2015-2017
Dear Department of Jobs and Small Business,
Could you kindly sent over the relevant documents that state:
- the amount of government funding given to job providers under the jobactive system for the years of 2015-2017 based on the successful outcomes of each individual provider by the end of the financial year(s) stated above
- the number of successful outcomes for which the basis of the funding would be justified from for each provider, per the years stated above.
If possible, please treat this as an administrative / informal request. Otherwise please proceed with my request as a formal information request under the Act.
Yours faithfully,
Clarissa Loi
Sensitive: Legal
Dear Ms Loi,
I refer to your correspondence received by the Department of Jobs and
Small Business (the Department) on 12 June 2018 , in which you requested
access to the following documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (Cth) (FOI Act):
‘-the amount of government funding given to job providers
under the jobactive system for the years of 2015-2017 based on the
successful outcomes of each individual provider by the end of the
financial year(s) stated above
-the number of successful outcomes for which the basis of
the funding would be justified from for each provider, per the years
stated above.’
The Department will advise you if a charge is payable to process your
request and the amount of any such charge as soon as practicable.
Please note that information released under the FOI Act may be published
in a disclosure log on the Department’s website. Section 11C of the FOI
Act requires this publication, however it is subject to certain
exceptions, including where publication of personal, business,
professional or commercial information would be unreasonable.
Should you have any queries about this matter, please do not hesitate to
contact me on (02) 6240 7310. Alternatively, you may send queries via
email to [Department of Jobs and Small Business request email].
We will correspond with you via email in relation to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Kate Rizzuto
Information Law Team
Corporate Legal
Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business
Phone (02) 6240 7310
[1][email address]
This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may
contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not the
intended recipient, you are notified that any use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and
delete copies of this transmission together with any attachments.
Sensitive: Legal
Dear Ms Loi,
Please find attached notice under section 24AB of the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth) in relation to your Freedom of Information
request received by the Department of Jobs and Small Business (the
Department) on 12 June 2018.
Should you wish to discuss this matter any further, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Kind regards,
Kate Rizzuto
Information Law Team
Corporate Legal
Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business
Phone (02) 6240 7310
[1][email address]
This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may
contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not the
intended recipient, you are notified that any use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and
delete copies of this transmission together with any attachments.
Locutus Sum left an annotation ()
The request was not actually refused. The application is taken by the Act to have been withdrawn by the applicant. The deemed withdrawal is because the applicant did not respond to a request to consult with the authority after the authority said that the was a "practical refusal reason" for refusing the application.