Glenmaggie Caravan Park Lease 2007
Dear Southern Rural Water,
I am an annual renter at lake Glenmaggie caravan park. I was recently advised that my fees would be going up by $1000 p.a. This was quoted as being a result of SRW land lease increase of 122%. Myself along with many other park residents would like to know how this rise is justified.
I am now aware that this in not the result of SRW, however our position still stands and we object to managements blatant greediness. In order to follow this through with the managers of the park could you please provide me with the Glenmaggie Caravan Park Lease 2007, any improvement plans agreed upon between SRW and Park management along with any other relevant document pertaining to the lease and upkeep of the Glenmaggie Caravan Parks.
Apologies for not responding to your February email.
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If you consider payment would cause your client hardship you may ask for a waiver or reduction of the fee. Your client can do this by forwarding sufficient information to me to assess their eligibility, such as copy of current Health Care Card or Pension Card, if applicable.
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Hayley Johnson
Manager Business Services | Southern Rural Water
Managing Water. Serving Communities
ph: 03 5139 3116 m: 0419 137 300 w:
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