GIPA Policy

Currently waiting for a response from NSW Police Force, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear NSW Police Force,

I would like to keep this informal request in order to save costs and to administratively explore the information I need to request beneficial for the public interests.

Under the Division 2 of Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52 ("GIPA") NSW Police Force is required to establish and maintain agency information guide.

I also remind NSW Police for that there are certain documents that must be made available free of charge under the Division 1.

And that under the s. 8 of the GIPA Act NSW Police force should be using informational process to release some documents.

I would like the copy of the agency information guide or informal acknowledgement such policy that the NSW Police force is required to maintain does not exist.

Yours faithfully,


Dear NSW Police Force,

I wonder if this the most up to date guide ?

Yours faithfully,
