Freedom of information officers
Dear Department of Human Services,
I would like to know the gender and ethnic make up of the FOI Team. Do they all have qualifications from Australian educational institutions also?
Yours faithfully,
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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
The below is the response from the Department:
Dear SB
In its current form, your request does not meet the requirements of the FOI Act.
This is because you have asked a number of questions in your correspondence. The FOI Act does not provide for a right to request that the department answers questions, rather it provides a right to access documents held by the department. For this reason, your request is not currently valid.
How to make a valid FOI request
To be able to process your application, your request must be::
in writing;
state that the request in an application for the purposes of the FOI Act;
provide information about the documents to assist us to process your request; and
provide an address for reply.
If you would like to proceed please reply specifying what documents you require and that your request is under the FOI Act.
Further assistance
You may wish to view the Appendix F of the Annual Report for information about the department’s staffing profile.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
FOI and Litigation Branch | Legal Services Division
Department of Human Services
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Stephanie Johnson left an annotation ()
As a user of this site, I'll guess that your request will be considered invalid, as you haven't asked for any documents. You also haven't said you want this under FOI, or told them how they can reply to you.
Good luck.