Dear Australian National University,

I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a complete copy of the departments' Freedom of Information (FOI) logs for the period 2013-2023, including any secondary departments controlled by the agency.

I request that this is provided as a document and not a simple redirect to the agency website as I am of the view that your online disclosure logs do not actively reflect your FOI requests that you have received in this period.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with this information in an electronic format, such as a PDF or spreadsheet, if possible.

If there are any fees associated with fulfilling this request, please let me know in advance so that I can consider my options.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Watson Norwood

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

Dear Watson Norwood,

Thank you for sending through your Freedom of Information request.

Given the nature of your request, we have decided the best course of action is to seek guidance from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), as the documentation you have requested access to is all publicly available via our website at

As at the time of writing this email, the University's disclosure log is up to date and reflects all publicly available documentation. It is important to note that the disclosure log only contains information that can be released publicly, it does not include FOI requests where personal information has been requested by the applicant or where no documents have been located.

We will be in touch via email once we have received a response from the OAIC to advise of next steps.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, please get in touch via [ANU request email].

Kind regards,

Greg Barry
Senior Information Governance Officer
Scholarly Information Systems
Australian National University

show quoted sections

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

Dear Watson Norwood,

I am writing to advise you of the University's intention to submit an extension request under section 15AA of the FOI Act.

The reason for requesting an extension for your request is due to the unique nature of your request, given that the information you have requested is publicly available.

We have submitted a request to the OAIC for additional guidance on how to best manage your request, but have been informed that wait times for responses are quite considerable at present due to capacity constraints within the OAIC.

With this in mind, we propose an extension of the full 30 days allowed under s15AA of the Act, which will make the decision date for your request now fall on 6 July 2023.

Given that an extension under 15AA requires the consent of the applicant, could you please reply at your earliest convenience specifying whether you are amenable to the extension or not.

We look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Kind regards,

Greg Barry
Senior Information Governance Officer
Scholarly Information Systems
Australian National University

show quoted sections


6 Attachments

Our reference: RQ23/03251

Agency reference: 202300043

Mr Watson Norwood

By email: [FOI #10244 email]

Extension of time application by the Australian National University

Dear Mr Norwood

I write to advise that on 5 June 2023 the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner (the OAIC) received an application from the
Australian National University (ANU) for an extension of time, to process
your FOI request of 6 May 2023.


The Department has applied for an extension of time under s 15AB of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) because your request is considered
to be voluminous and/or complex.


Please find attached a copy of the reasons provided by the ANU in support
of its application.


The ANU has requested an extension to 5 July 2023. The decision maker at
the OAIC will take any comments you may have to make into account when
deciding the application.


Please respond to this email by close of business 5July 2023. If we do not
hear from you by this date, the decision maker will make a decision on the
basis of the information provided to the OAIC by the ANU.


You will be notified of the decision once the matter has been finalised.


Further information about extension of time requests may be found on our
website at [1]Extensions of time.


If you have any questions about this email, please contact me on 1300 363
992 or at [2][email address]. Please quote OAIC reference: RQ23/03251 in
all correspondence.

Kind regards

Bernie Lai


[3][IMG]   Intake and Early Resolution Team

Freedom of Information Regulatory Group

Office of the Australian Information

GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001  |

1300 363 992  |  [5][email address]
[6][IMG] | [7][IMG] | [8][IMG] |   [9]Subscribe to OAICnet newsletter



The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 1300 488 064 during business hours (8:30am - 5pm Canberra
time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[email address]


8 Attachments

Dear Mr Norwood,


Apologies for my oversight in my previous email – the due date for your
response, should you wish to provide one, is close of business 8 June 2023
[not 5 July 2023].




Bernie Lai


[1][IMG]   Bernie Lai <he/him>

Assistant Director | Freedom of Information Branch

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001

P 1300 363 992 E [2][email address]
The OAIC acknowledges Traditional Custodians of Country across
Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and
communities. We pay our respect to First Nations people,
cultures and Elders past and present.  


[3]Subscribe to Information Matters


Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 4:14 PM
To: [FOI #10244 email]
Subject: RQ23/03251 - Extension of time application by the Australian
National University - Agency reference: 202300043


Our reference: RQ23/03251

Agency reference: 202300043

Mr Watson Norwood

By email: [4][FOI #10244 email]

Extension of time application by the Australian National University

Dear Mr Norwood

I write to advise that on 5 June 2023 the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner (the OAIC) received an application from the
Australian National University (ANU) for an extension of time, to process
your FOI request of 6 May 2023.


The Department has applied for an extension of time under s 15AB of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) because your request is considered
to be voluminous and/or complex.


Please find attached a copy of the reasons provided by the ANU in support
of its application.


The ANU has requested an extension to 5 July 2023. The decision maker at
the OAIC will take any comments you may have to make into account when
deciding the application.


Please respond to this email by close of business 5July 2023. If we do not
hear from you by this date, the decision maker will make a decision on the
basis of the information provided to the OAIC by the ANU.


You will be notified of the decision once the matter has been finalised.


Further information about extension of time requests may be found on our
website at [5]Extensions of time.


If you have any questions about this email, please contact me on 1300 363
992 or at [6][email address]. Please quote OAIC reference: RQ23/03251 in
all correspondence.

Kind regards

Bernie Lai


[7][IMG]   Intake and Early Resolution Team

Freedom of Information Regulatory

Office of the Australian Information

GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001  |

1300 363 992  | 
[9][email address]
[10][IMG] | [11][IMG] | [12][IMG] |   [13]Subscribe to OAICnet



The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 1300 488 064 during business hours (8:30am - 5pm Canberra
time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[FOI #10244 email]
6. mailto:[email address]
9. mailto:[email address]


6 Attachments

Our reference: RQ23/03251

Agency reference: 202300043


Norwood Watson

By email: [1][FOI #10244 email]

CC: [2][ANU request email]


FOI Extension of Time decision


Dear Norwood Watson,


Please find attached an FOI Extension of time decision relating to your
FOI request with the Australian National University. A copy of this
decision has been provided to the ANU today.


Kind regards,

Thomas Hanaee


[3][IMG] Assistant Review Adviser

Freedom of Information Regulatory Group

Office of the Australian Information

GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 |

1300 363 992 | [5][email address]
[6][IMG] | [7][IMG] | [8][IMG] | [9]Subscribe to OAICnet newsletter





The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 1300 488 064 during business hours (8:30am - 5pm Canberra
time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any


Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #10244 email]
2. mailto:[ANU request email]
5. mailto:[email address]

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

2 Attachments

Dear Watson Norwood,


Please find attached correspondence relating to your FOI request


Kind regards,



Greg Barry

Senior Information Governance Officer

Scholarly Information Systems

Australian National University

E: [email address]







Visible links

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

2 Attachments

Dear Watson Norwood,


I refer to the attached correspondence dated 15 June 2023.


In that correspondence, you were advised that the University is unable to
progress your request further as Initial assessment of your request
indicates that the information you have requested has been made available
to the public in line with the requirements set out under s11C of the FOI


Further, given that the documentation is available publicly, and factoring
in the considerable time and effort that has already gone towards the
maintenance of the University’s disclosure log, the additional time it
would take to deal with your request – particularly due to its broad scope
and substantial timeframe - would amount to an unreasonable diversion of


On this basis, the University indicated its intention to refuse access to
the documents you requested.


You were further advised that you had an opportunity to revise your
request, advise that you do not wish to revise your request, or withdraw
your request and that that you had 14 days from the date of the
correspondence to let us know how you wished to proceed. You were also
advised that if you did not do one of these three things your request
would be deemed to be withdrawn.



As we have not received a response from you within the 14-day time frame,
your request has now been deemed to be withdrawn.



Kind regards,



Greg Barry

Senior Information Governance Officer

Scholarly Information Systems

Australian National University

E: [email address]






Visible links