Form 9 without signature sent via email
Dear Queensland Residential Tenancies Authority,
Can you please let me know, is form 9 valid if it's sent via email with "signature section" empty, with only name typed electronically in "name section". Also if no box is checked for reason of entry in form 9,will that constitutes "incorrect entry notice".
Does Rta allow or consider acceptable, if real estates send notices/entry condition reports to tenant via email without signing in "signature section".
If yes kindly provide reference to resource quoted.
Yours faithfully,
Good Morning Harry,
Thank you for your email.
The Act does not reference that if a Form 9 is not signed therefore it is
You could argue the fact because the Form 9 is not signed it is invalid,
however the purpose of the Form 9 is to provide notice to you as the
tenant and the intent of the entry to the premises.
However if section 5 of the Form 9 is not ticked, it may be deemed as an
invalid entry notice as you have not been advised of the purpose of the
entry and whether the correct notice period has been provided.
The RTA encourages self resolution between both parties.
If you require further information or assistance please call our contact
center on 1300 366 311.
Kind regards,
Andison Lai | Client Support Officer | Support | Customer Experience
Residential Tenancies Authority | Level 23, 179 Turbot St | GPO Box 390
Brisbane Q 4001
t 1300 366 311 | [1][email address] | [2]