Evidence of Sale of a Vehicle 4 years ago

Martin Fox made this Freedom of Information request to VicRoads

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, VicRoads should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear VicRoads,

I sold a 2017 Porsche Wagon back in 2019, and my insurer never cancelled the insurance, so I have been paying direct debit premiums for the last 3 years. To receive a backdated refund, I need to show evidence I sold my car either with a Vehicle Registration Transfer Notice, or a Signed Letter from Vic Roads stating the date the registration was transferred out of my name.

I have attended Vic Roads twice to obtain this, and have had no luck. I paid for a search and extract and was provided with a letter saying the registration was cancelled in 2019, however, my insurer is saying that isn't enough as the car was comprehensively insured - I need to show evidence the vehicle was completely out of my name.

The car's registration at the time was 01FOX and the VIN was WP1ZZZ95ZJLB41747.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
Martin Jovan Fox

Good afternoon,

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $30.60. Payment can be made online via https://online.foi.vic.gov.au/foi/reques... and selecting “Department of Transport” as the agency.

Payment may be waived or reduced if it would cause financial hardship to the applicant. Evidence in support of a claim of hardship would include a copy of a Pension Card or Health Care Card. This can be mailed or emailed through to our office at [VicRoads request email].
To avoid any further delays clear indication of the documents sought to be provided.

ID such as a copy of your driver licence will also need to be provided.

Your request will be processed upon receipt of the above information. Until such time, your request is considered invalid and will not be processed.

Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this unit on 9854 1982 or by email at [VicRoads request email].

Kristian Dzolev

Privacy and Information Access Officer
T 03 9854 1982
E [VicRoads request email]
W dtp.vic.gov.au

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