DTP Street Lighting Outages and Cable Theft

Currently waiting for a response from VIC Department of Transport, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Department of Transport and Planning(DTP) Freedom of Information Unit,

I am formally requesting access to documents under FOI, in relation to outages and copper cable theft at street lighting sites managed by DTP/VicRoads/Regional Roads Victoria(RRV) between 1 January 2023 and 16 July 2024.

I kindly request the following documents;
1. A spreadsheet containing a list of all street lighting sites managed by DTP/VicRoads/RRV,
2. All Documents that contain details of the extent of the street lighting outages, the copper cable theft issue and any impact this has on the safety of Victorian Roads. Including meeting minutes, reports, and correspondence between officials concerning these topics.
3. All Documents that discuss/detail plans or attempts to repair street lighting faults and reduce/combat the copper cable theft issue. Including meeting minutes, and correspondence between officials, utility providers and councils concerning this issue.
4. All Documents that reference street lighting faults and/or copper cable theft at sites C124 Breakwater Bridge and M1 Geelong Ring Road.
5. All correspondence between DTP officials and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety in relation to the copper cable theft issue and street lighting outages.

I do not seek access to any private/personally identifiable information and parts of documents that are not relevant to this request. For example, Meeting minutes that contain other topics/items may have these sections redacted.

For clarity in this request the term "street lighting" refers to lighting for which the sole purpose is to illuminate a road, footpath or public place to improve visibility and safety, This request is not related to Traffic Signals.

Although payment has been made via the online.foi.vic.gov.au web portal, I kindly ask that all correspondence regarding this request take place in reply to this email.

Yours faithfully,

Jarred Crowe

Transport FOI Requests (DTP), VIC Department of Transport

Good morning,

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $32.70. Payment can be made online via online.foi.vic.gov.au and selecting “Department of Transport” as the agency.

Payment may be waived or reduced if it would cause financial hardship to the applicant. Evidence in support of a claim of hardship would include a copy of a Pension Card or Health Care Card. This can be mailed or emailed through to our office at [email address].

To avoid any further delays clear indication of the documents sought to be provided.

Your request will be processed upon receipt of the above information. Until such time, your request is considered invalid and will not be processed.

Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this unit on 9854 1982 or by email at [email address].


Privacy and Information Access Officer
E [email address]
W dtp.vic.gov.au

The following conditions apply to this communication and any attachments: the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) reserves all of its copyright; the information is intended for the addressees only and may be confidential and/or privileged - it must not be passed on by any other recipients; any expressed opinions are those of the sender and not necessarily DTP; DTP accepts no liability for any consequences arising from the recipient's use of this means of communication and/or the information contained in and/or attached to this communication. If this communication has been received in error, please contact the person who sent this communication and delete all copies. Any personal or sensitive information in this email and attachments must be handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

show quoted sections

Hi Kristian,

Thankyou for your reply,

I paid the application fee last night at 9:50pm


Jarred Crowe

Transport FOI Requests (DTP), VIC Department of Transport


[1]FOI Letter head


Our Ref: CS015224a

Jarred Crowe

By email: [2][FOI #11703 email]

Dear Jarred,


I refer to your request received by Department of Transport and Planning
on 16/07/2024, in which you sought access to documents under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

Specifically, you advised you are seeking access in relation to the

o I am formally requesting access to documents under FOI, in relation to
outages and copper cable theft at street lighting sites managed by
DTP/VicRoads/Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) between 1 January 2023 and
16 July 2024.

I kindly request the following documents;

1. A spreadsheet containing a list of all street lighting sites
managed by DTP/VicRoads/RRV,
2. All Documents that contain details of the extent of the street
lighting outages, the copper cable theft issue and any impact this has
on the safety of Victorian Roads. Including meeting minutes, reports,
and correspondence between officials concerning these topics.
3. All Documents that discuss/detail plans or attempts to repair
street lighting faults and reduce/combat the copper cable theft issue.
Including meeting minutes, and correspondence between officials,
utility providers and councils concerning this issue.
4. All Documents that reference street lighting faults and/or copper
cable theft at sites C124 Breakwater Bridge and M1 Geelong Ring Road.
5. All correspondence between DTP officials and the Minister for Roads
and Road Safety in relation to the copper cable theft issue and street
lighting outages.

I do not seek access to any private/personally identifiable
information and parts of documents that are not relevant to this
request. For example, Meeting minutes that contain other topics/items
may have these sections redacted.

For clarity in this request the term "street lighting" refers to
lighting for which the sole purpose is to illuminate a road, footpath
or public place to improve visibility and safety, This request is not
related to Traffic Signals.

Valid request

We received the application fee on 16/07/2024.

Your request is valid, and we are processing it. We have 30 days from the
date we validated your request to provide you with a decision. As such,
the due date for us to make a decision on your request is 15/08/2024.

Extension of time

We may need to extend the due date if we need to consult with third
parties. Consultation is required if the document you requested contain
information relating to third parties. If we extend the time, we will
notify you and advise you of why it has been extended and by how long.
We may also request your agreement for an extension of time, if we are
unable to provide you with a decision on time.

Third Party Personal Information

To speed up the process, please let us know whether you agree not to seek
names, phone numbers, email addresses or any type of personal information
of other people contained in the documents relevant to your request. As
such, any personal information can be marked as 'Not Relevant' in the
documents we review.

Additionally, if you are seeking documents containing your personal
information, and if not already provided, please reply to this email with
a copy of documents that could verify your identity, for example, your
driver’s licence.

More information

Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please feel free to
contact us by email at [3][email address].

Yours sincerely

FOI Coordinator
Privacy and Information Access
DTP Legal | Department of Transport and Planning   

1 Spring Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
[4][email address]

[6]DOT FOI Footer




Visible links
2. mailto:[FOI #11703 email]
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]
5. https://transport.vic.gov.au/