We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jimp please sign in and let everyone know.

Documents relating to QR public address system audio routing

We're waiting for Jimp to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Cross River Rail Delivery Authority,

I wish to obtain documents relating to CRRDA's involvement with the construction of the upgrades to Dutton Park-Salisbury railway stations. Specifically, any process documents or plans for how the public address system was implemented.

Yours faithfully,


Info at Cross River Rail, Cross River Rail Delivery Authority

Dear Jimp,


The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority acknowledges your email dated 25
May 2024 making a Freedom of Information request.


While the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) does not apply to the
Delivery Authority because we are a State entity, if you could please
provide further detail regarding the information you are seeking, our
project team would be happy to consider your request further.


The Delivery Authority project team can be contacted on 1800 010 875 or
[1][Cross River Rail Delivery Authority request email].


Kind regards,



Stakeholder Engagement Team
[2]Desk 1800 010 875
[3]mail [4][Cross River Rail Delivery Authority request email]
[5]phone crossriverrail.qld.gov.au
[6]location Level 12, 150 Mary Street | Brisbane Q 4000



The Delivery Authority is disclosing this information on a confidential
basis whereby the party in receipt of the information will not disclose
the information and otherwise agrees to treat information on a
confidential basis. Where this information is being disclosed to another
Queensland government agency, note the information is provided in relation
to its functions and may be of a concern to the Delivery Authority if
released under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) and
therefore triggers the consultation requirements under s.37 of the RTI


Visible links
1. mailto:[Cross River Rail Delivery Authority request email]
4. mailto:[Cross River Rail Delivery Authority request email]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jimp please sign in and let everyone know.