Documents establishing ILFORD VIC PTY LTD

Dean Miles made this Freedom of Information request to Premier of Victoria

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Premier of Victoria did not have the information requested.

Dear Premier of Victoria,

I would like to wish staff at the Premier of Victoria Office a very Happy Easter.

I seek all legal Instruments, Assent, Royal Assent, records, emails, diaries holding Information that established ILFORD VIC PTY LTD ABN 77 145 510 925 as found on Federal Government ABN LOOKUP, to operate in any capacity, in the state of Victoria and its main business location Labrador Gold Coast Queensland trading as Supreme Court of Victoria, Lands Titles Office Victoria, the Registrar of Titles.

Evidence any men, women, children in Victoria have any contract with any government department, including the Office of Governor of Victoria, being public or private, providing any services of any kind, related to the day to day functions of Government of Victoria that relinquished our unalienable rights, directly related to request stated above.

Yours faithfully,

Dean Miles

Daniel Andrews,

Thank you for taking the time to contact the Premier, Daniel Andrews. 

We appreciate your patience as we work through the large amount of
correspondence the Premier receives. 


If you suspect you may have coronavirus (COVID-19), please call the
Victorian Government Coronavirus Hotline on 1800-675-398 (open 24/7). If
you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450. 


​Alternatively, for all information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19)
pandemic in Victoria, please visit:



For the latest media releases from the Andrews Labor Government visit:



A reply to your letter can take as long as eight to ten weeks to process
for a response. Comments, suggestions and ideas will be carefully
considered, and we will make every effort to provide a response where
needed. Your email may also be referred to relevant Ministers, or other
MPs for their consideration. Correspondence containing offensive or
inappropriate content will not receive a response.  


To stay up to date with Labor’s positive plans for Victoria visit: 

Office of the Hon Daniel Andrews MP
Premier of Victoria  
1 Treasury Place, East Melbourne VIC 3002 
p: (03) 9651 5000 | w: [4] 
e: [5][email address


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5. mailto:[email address]

Phoebe Tobin-White (DPC), Premier of Victoria

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Miles


I hope that you are well. The Office of the Premier has referred your
correspondence dated 17 April 2022 to the Freedom of Information (FOI)
team within the Department of Premier and Cabinet for response.


I have included some information in this email about how you can submit a
valid FOI request.


About FOI requests


A FOI request can be made to a Victorian government agency or Minister for
access to documents.


The FOI request needs to be made to an agency of the Victorian government
rather than to any office affiliated with the Victorian government. In the
present case, the request must be made to the Department of Premier and
Cabinet or to the Office of the Premier.


Making an FOI request


To make an FOI request, you need to:

o In writing, clearly define the documents you seek access to; and
o Pay the small application fee of $30.10.


A FOI request can be made by email or through the online FOI request
portal. Payment of the application fee can be made via the online portal
at [1]


If payment of the application fee will cause you financial hardship you
can request a fee waiver and provide documents to support your claim, such
as a Healthcare Card.


Be specific in your FOI request


Your FOI request must clearly state what documents you are seeking so that
the documents can be identified. If possible, specify the document types
you seek access to (for example, a report, file note, ministerial


Please be as specific as possible. Requests that are too broad may be
refused by an agency if processing the request will impose a substantial
or unreasonable burden on the agency’s resources. 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you require any further assistance.


Kind regards,


Phoebe Tobin-White  |  Freedom of Information and Privacy Officer  | 
Office of the General Counsel

Department of Premier and Cabinet  |  Level 2, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
Victoria 3002

P: +61 3 9922 7260   |    E: [email address]



[2]  |  [3]


We acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal owners of country throughout
Victoria and pay our respect to them, their culture and their Elders past,
present and future.







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