disability advocacy for individual Autistic Australians

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Department of Social Services should normally have responded promptly and by (details)

Dear Department of Social Services,
People and organisations in Australia's autism sector have expressed concern over the lack or inadequacies of individual advocacy services for Autistic Australians.
Please provide, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, all information held by your department relating to:
a. concerns about or issues raised relating to individual advocacy services for Autistic Australians,
b. demand and delivery of individual advocacy service for Autistic Australians through government policy and programs including (but not limited to) the National Disability Advocacy Program, and
c. costs, benefits and reported outcomes due to individual advocacy service for Autistic Australians.

Yours faithfully,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Dear Mr Buckley


Thank you for your email. We need a little more information before we can
process your request, and wanted to advise that even with that information
it may also be too large for the Department to process.


The information we require pertains to the part of the request seeks
information related to “concerns about or issues raised relating to
individual advocacy services for Autistic Australians”. Could you please
give some guidance to how we should interpret this part of the request?
For example, is your FOI request an example of a raised concern that
should be captured within the request?


In addition to the above, we wanted to draw your attention to another
issue with the request. While not intentional it seeks every document
generated in connection with advocacy services for Autistic Australians
over the last 20 years (the limits of the FOI Act). This would include,
for example, every email generated in connection with advocacy services
for Autistic Australians over that timeframe, and would potentially amount
to thousands of documents. The Department does not have the capacity to
process a request of that size.


To avoid a potential practical refusal decision, we recommend that you
limit any future request to the specific information you are interested
in, and avoiding using terms like “all information held by your department
relating to” in its scope.




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
thank you for your email threatening a practical refusal of my request.
My request does not intend to relate to individual cases. It relates to the issue of whether the individual advocacy service availability and provisions for Autistic Australians are appropriate and sufficient. I am especially interested in information about the demand for individual services for Autistic Australians, how much of the demand is met, what the outcomes are and, whether service quality meets client need. I would be interested to see information about oversupply of advocacy services for Austistic Australians as individuals.
I am also keen to see any analysis of the issues and concerns raised in advocacy requests relating to services and supports for Autistic Australians, especially if it is related to service supply and demand.
I would like to know what concerns have been expressed. And if so, what was done as a result of concerns the Department received.
I am not interested in aggregated data about policy, program, and service outcomes or the lack thereof; I am not interested Departmental records about individual cases (I deal directly with individuals who seek my assistance in such matters).
Please limit the timeframe to the period since the NDIS started.
My understanding is that the Freedom of Information Act relates to all relevant information requested ... hence my wording.
I hope this helps clarify my request. Please feel free to ask if I can help further.

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




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2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Good morning Bob


Would a request along the following lines best capture the information you
are looking for?


Formal reports and reviews that discuss advocacy service availability and
provisions for Autistic Australians.




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
I prefer "information" as that encompasses more than "formal reports and reviews". I am interested in anything that could relate to policy development, program implementation, and general attitudes (which seem to be a serious problem). The Act is call "freedom of information", not "freedom of formal reports and reviews". I am trying to understand the barriers to autistic people getting the support thet need from government; I doubt the background would make it into "formal reports and reviews".

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




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2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Good morning Mr Buckley


If you are not intending to limit your request, it will continue to seek
all documents in our possession that could relate to policy development,
program implementation, and general attitudes for disability advocacy for
individual Autistic Australians.


As flagged previously, this is potentially thousands of documents and too
large for the Department to process.


Would you like us to continue with the request as set out above,
potentially prompting a practical refusal process?




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
I am sorry that I do not understand. If information relating "to policy development,
program implementation" includes information to a specific individual (perhaps to illustrate some point of principle), I am happy for that to be omitted or redacted (as appropriate); I do not believe that is part of my request.
I doubt there is Carer Allowance policy or any program for a specific individual. As a taxpayer, I would be quite concerned were that the case as it has enormous potenial to waste resouces and deliver inequitable outcomes.
I cannot see how "general attitudes" could specify an individual - that would not be "general".

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Dear Mr Buckley


We understand that you do not wish to refine the scope of your request.
Formal tasking is below.


I refer to your correspondence received by the Department of Social
Services (Department) on 16 September 2024, in which you, are requesting
requested access under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act) to:


all documents generated since 1 July 2020 (the commencement of the NDIS)
that relate to policy development, program implementation, and general
attitudes for disability advocacy for individual Autistic Australians.


The decision for this request is currently due on 16 October 2024. This
timeframe may be extended, for example, where the Department decides to
consult with third parties. We will inform you if this occurs.


Removal of certain information from the scope of your request


The Department is seeking your agreement to remove the following
information from the scope of your request where it is not available from
public sources:


o group email addresses used for internal departmental purposes;
o all personal information of members of the public;
o all personal information of non-Senior Executive Service (SES)
government staff; and
o all personal information of SES level government staff with the
exception of the names of the Department’s SES staff.


If you agree to the above amendment the names of the Department’s SES
staff will be released where they are present in the documents and do not
attract an exemption.


Could you please respond to this email by 21 September 2024 to confirm
your agreement to this change.


Should you have any queries about this matter, please do not hesitate to
contact the FOI team via email at [1][Department of Social Services request email].




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
thank for your efforts to clarify the scope of my request.
1. the NDIS started in 2013 so the parenthesised part of your phase "since 1 July 2020 (the commencement of the NDIS)" is incorrect. I suggest it should be removed.
2. I can see no reason why it would be appropriate to remove "group email addresses used for internal departmental purposes".
3. I am concerned that you may choose to rfemove the names and roles of people involved formally in relevant service delivery funded by government. This type of information is relevant.
4. I understand fully that you can extend the legislated timeframes at will.

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Buckley


Please find attached correspondence in relation to FOI request LEX 51700.


Kind regards




Freedom of Information | Information Law

Legal Services Group

Department of Social Services
E: [1][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present. 




Visible links
1. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

Dear FOI,
My request is specific. It is about policy, programs, and information that relate specifically individual advocacy for Autistic Australians (or Australians with autism).
That excludes information that relates to systemic advocacy or to general advocacy -
* systemic advocacy is not individual advocacy, and
* general or generic advocacy does not help autistic Australians.
My request is only about individual advocacy for Autistic Australians. Since there are no such programs the amount of information is likely to be very limited, if any even exists. Any such information is likely to only relate to the lack of any such policy or program.
Your assumption about the volume of material involved should be substantiated before you you refuse my request.

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Dear Mr Buckley


As advised previously, the scope of your request - all documents generated
since 1 July 2020 that relate to policy development, program
implementation, and general attitudes for disability advocacy for
individual Autistic Australians is very broad.


While you may intend to be seeking specific information regarding a
certain aspect of disability advocacy for Autistic Australians, the
wording of the scope captures a broad range of information. This
information includes documents generated in relation to the below programs
as they all have relevance to or result in the provision of disability
advocacy services for individual Autistic Australians:

·       The National Disability Advocacy Program

·       The Disability Representative Organisations (DRO) program

·       The Information, Linkages and Capacity Building program

·       The Supporting Participation Program

·       Disability Royal Commission (DRC) activities

Would you like to refine the scope of your request to better specify the
documents you are seeking, shorten the timeframe, and remove the term
“relates to” from the scope?




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
The only relevant item here is National Disability Advocacy Program - and it likely that nothing in that sector meets my specificatiojn. While the other areas may have discussed general individual advocacy, none of the other items made reference to individual advocacy for Autistic Australians, autistic people or people with autism. You might imagine that they could ... but they didn't. I have been clear that the information I am looking for is quite specific. It is not about general advocacy that you might imagine includes implictly people with autism. I am after information that relates specifically to autistic individuals.

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Good afternoon Mr Buckley


As referred below, while you may intend to be seeking specific information
regarding a certain aspect of disability advocacy for Autistic
Australians, the wording of the scope captures a broad range of


Would you like to refine the scope of your request to better specify the
documents you are seeking, shorten the timeframe, and remove the term
“relates to” from the scope?




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


show quoted sections

FOI, Department of Social Services

Good morning Mr Buckley


Just following up on the below. Would you like to refine the scope of the
request to better define the information you are seeking?


For reference the current scope (which is subject to the notice of
intention to refuse) reads:


all documents generated since 1 July 2020 that relate to policy
development, program implementation, and general attitudes for disability
advocacy for individual Autistic Australians.




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections


From: FOI <[Department of Social Services request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 5:39 PM
To: Bob Buckley <[FOI #12035 email]>
Cc: FOI <[Department of Social Services request email]>
Subject: RE: Department of Social Services - FOI LEX 51700 - Notice of
intention to refuse [SEC=OFFICIAL]


Good afternoon Mr Buckley


As referred below, while you may intend to be seeking specific information
regarding a certain aspect of disability advocacy for Autistic
Australians, the wording of the scope captures a broad range of


Would you like to refine the scope of your request to better specify the
documents you are seeking, shorten the timeframe, and remove the term
“relates to” from the scope?




FOI Officer

Information Law Section

Department of Social Services


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and
to Elders both past and present.


Note: This email and any attachments may contain confidential or legally
privileged information (and neither are waived or lost if this email has
been sent to you by mistake).  If you are not the intended recipient, you
must not use, disclose, copy or retain it.  If you have received it in
error, please let me know by reply email and then delete this email from
your system and do not retain any copy.  Recipients within DSS should seek
assistance from DSS Legal before disseminating this email to third parties
or using this advice for a different matter.



show quoted sections

Dear FOI,
I believe my request would be better described as:
all documents created, held, sent or received by SES level staff since 1 July 2020 that relate to policy development, program implementation, and general attitudes for disability advocacy for individual Autistic Australians.
I am not sure how you would intrepret "generated" in this context.

Yours sincerely,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

1 Attachment

Good afternoon Mr Buckley


Please find attached the decision made in response to the Freedom of
Information request LEX 51700.


Kind regards




Freedom of Information | Information Law

Legal Services Group

Department of Social Services
E: [1][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present. 




Visible links
1. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

Dear Department of Social Services,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Social Services' handling of my FOI request 'disability advocacy for individual Autistic Australians'.

The grounds for your refusal say "the request would likely capture an excess of a thousand documents". But this claim appears to be unsubstantiated supposition. But I do not believe it is sufficient grounds for refusal; that should require actual demonstration that the request does in fact encompass "a thousand documents".
I would be happy to review a list of documents to see if the scope can be reduced.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/d...

Yours faithfully,
Bob Buckley

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the Department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
Department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the Department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.




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1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Dear Bob,

The Department of Social Services acknowledges your request for internal review. Your new matter reference number is LEX 51949.

An internal review decision is due to you on 18 November 2024.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Legal Officer
Information Law Section
Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past and present.

show quoted sections