Digital Information Systems Used for Accounting and Corporate Records Management

Marcus (Account suspended) made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Digital Health Agency

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Australian Digital Health Agency,

I understand from APSC your agency is classified as a Medium Agency

I request information on the following:

* Financial Management Information System (FMIS) - this would be the system that your agency uses to record financial transaction, in your General Ledger accounts, that is the basis of your Financial Statements reported in your Annual Report. An example of a FMIS would be Finance One.

Can you please advise the name of your current FMIS and, if possible, when the current system was adopted/implemented.

* Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) - this would be the system your agency uses to create, manage, use, and/or store all mandatory to archive corporate documents and records. An example of an EDRMS is HPE Content Manager.

Can you please advise the name of your current EDRMS and, if possible, when the current system was adopted/implemented.

FOR BOTH: If your agency uses multiple systems, can you please just report for FMIS and EDRMS the system that is predominantly used in your agency. If you agency has rebadged an off the shelf product (uses an internal name for it), can you also provide the name it is called in the agency.

Early reply appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Australian Digital Health Agency,

If at all possible, given the very limited and small scope of this administrative information request, can the ADHA please provide the details sought before 21 September.

I am seeking the information as part of an essay on information systems in the Australian Public Service, as part of my IT studies, so am working to a deadline.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Australian Digital Health Agency


We acknowledge your request to speed things along in processing your FOI application.

We have already approached the appropriate team within the Australian Digital Health Agency for the information you requested.

There is a good possibility that we can get the answer back to you before your deadline.

Freedom of Information Team
Governance and Performance Reporting Services
Governance, Risk and Secretariat Services Branch
Organisational Capability and Change Management Division

Australian Digital Health Agency
Scarborough House, Level 7, 1 Atlantic Street, Woden ACT 2606
Email [ADHA request email]

show quoted sections

Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thanks, much appreciated!

Yours sincerely,


Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Sir/Madam,

To assist, I thought I’d provide copy of the Department of Veterans‘ Affairs response to this administrative access request, which covered everything I asked for, and which was a high quality response

I hope this provides some extra certainty to the ADHA as to the scope of my administrative access request.

Yours sincerely,


Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Australian Digital Health Agency,

As requested, it would be appreciated if a response could be provided today, given my essay deadline.

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Australian Digital Health Agency

2 Attachments




By email



Dear Marcus


Attached is the Freedom of Information decision in relation to your
enquiry about this agency’s software.



FOI Team

Governance and Performance Reporting Services

Governance, Reporting and Secretariat Services Branch
Organisational Capability and Change Management Division
Australian Digital Health Agency
Scarborough House, Level 7, 1 Atlantic Street, Woden ACT 2606
Phone    02 6151 8653

Email      [2][ADHA request email]
Web        [3]


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Visible links
2. mailto:[ADHA request email]

Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Ms Bettina,

Thank you, but unfortunately I had to submit my essay without these details, as the deadline had passed by the time you replied.

Maybe I might be able to use the information in a future activity.

Yours sincerely,
