Did coronavirus come from the lab?
Dear Defence Science and Technology Organisation,
I have overlooked through many sources about how the covid-19 has natural origin. However, there are assumptions underline and arguments going on.
Was the corona virus being engineered?
Yours faithfully,
Good morning Pore Jumpathi,
I refer to your email request below. Unfortunately, in its current form your request is not considered valid under section 15(2)(b) [Requests for access] of the FOI Act as you have not provided such specific information concerning the documents as is reasonably necessary to enable a responsible officer of the agency to identify them.
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I refer you to the Department of Defence’s FOI webpage: https://www.defence.gov.au/FOI/Request.asp which outlines how to make a valid request including providing information as to what a ‘document’ is, as well as providing further information about the FOI process.
I encourage you to contact us so we can assist you in moving forward with your inquiry.
Kind regards,
Case Manager | Freedom of Information
Enterprise Reform Branch | Governance and Reform Division | Department of Defence
e: [email address]
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