Details about your Financial Management and Corporate Records Information Systems

Marcus (Account suspended) made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Veterans' Affairs

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,

I understand from APSC your agency is classified as a Large Agency

I request information on the following:

* Financial Management Information System (FMIS) - this would be the system that your agency uses to record financial transaction, in your General Ledger accounts, that is the basis of your Financial Statements reported in your Annual Report. An example of a FMIS would be Finance One.

Can you please advise the name of your current FMIS and, if possible, when the current system was adopted/implemented.

* Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) - this would be the system your agency uses to create, manage, use, and/or store all mandatory to archive corporate documents and records. An example of an EDRMs is HPE Content Manager.

Can you please advise the name of your current FMIS and, if possible, when the current system was adopted/implemented.

FOR BOTH: If your agency uses multiple systems, can you please just report for FMIS and EDRMS the system that is predominantly used in your agency. If you agency has rebadged an off the shelf product (uses an internal name for it), can you also provide the name it is called in the agency.

Early reply appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,

Apologies, that second part should have read:

* Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) - this would be the system your agency uses to create, manage, use, and/or store all mandatory to archive corporate documents and records. An example of an EDRMS is HPE Content Manager.

Can you please advise the name of your current *EDRMS* and, if possible, when the current system was adopted/implemented.

Yours faithfully,


INFORMATION.LAW, Department of Veterans' Affairs

1 Attachment

Dear Marcus,


Acknowledgement of FOI Request – FOI 24401


I refer to your request to access information held by our Department under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).  The Department received
your request on 10 September 2018. In accordance with section 15(5)(b) of
the FOI Act, the Department has 30 days to process your request. As such,
a decision on your request is due by 10 October 2018.


If you have any questions about your FOI matter, please contact us using
the following details:


Post: Legal Services & Assurance, Department of Veterans’ Affairs

GPO Box 9998, Canberra ACT 2601

Facsimile: (02) 6289 6337

Email: [1][email address]



In all communications please quote reference FOI 24401.


Kind Regards,



Information Law | Legal Services & Assurance Branch

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

GPO Box 9998 Canberra ACT 2601

E: [2][email address]






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Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Madam,

Given the simple nature of the information request (it wasn’t a request for documents), and it’s tiny scope, this was not an FOI request (there was no mention of FOI) but an administrative request.

Due to an essay deadline, and taking into account the limited information sought, it would be appreciated that the information sought be received within 10 days.

Yours sincerely,


INFORMATION.LAW, Department of Veterans' Affairs

1 Attachment

Good afternoon Marcus,


Please find below the information you sought from the Department on 10
September 2018 (detailed in your email below):


·         The name of the Department’s current FMIS is DXC Eclipse e5
(locally known as DOLARS).  The system was implemented in August 1998. 
The name at the time of implementation was QSP Financials.


·         The Department’s current EDRMS is called Content Manager version
9.1.  The current version was updated into production in October 2017. 
The Department has used the HP product suite for its EDRMS purposes since
February 1998.


·         The Department only uses one predominant EDRMS (CM9).  Like all
other government departments, the Department uses PDMS for ministerial and
executive communication only.  PDMS is an EDRMS as well.


This information is provided external to the Freedom of Information Act


We hope the above assists. Please contact us if you have any further
questions about your request or the information provided.


Kind Regards,


Information Law Team

Department of Veterans’ Affairs
E: [1][email address] | W: [2]





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Marcus (Account suspended)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank your for your comprehensive response, which is much appreciated, and will greatly help in the finalisation of my essay assignment. I appreciate that you were able to provide the system adoption dates too 👍.

Yours sincerely,


INFORMATION.LAW, Department of Veterans' Affairs

Dear Marcus,

You are welcome.

Kind Regards,
Information Law Team
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
E: [email address] | W:

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