We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are MissAnonymous please sign in and let everyone know.

Council Policy on Using Privacy Act Jurisdiction / Powers

We're waiting for MissAnonymous to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Launceston City Council,

It has come to my attention that the Launceston City Council is using it's local authority powers in order to either enforce or give jurisdictional effect to Privacy Act.

This is in reference of the e-mail Launceston City Council has distributed to the public in response of the Strike It Out submissions and feedback - which I will attach as matter of transparency in righttoknow.org.au website this FOIA request originates from.

Does the Launceston City Council have a policy document or such regarding the use of t's powers to enforce Privacy Act on behalf either State or Federal Governments in it's local council area.

If no such policy document exists please either indicate so alternatively so further fact checking can be done.

Yours faithfully,


Contact Us, Launceston City Council

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Your correspondence will be allocated to the appropriate team or officer.

For any further queries in regards to your email, please email
[1][email address] or contact our Customer Service Team on
03 6323 3000.


Please note this email account is not checked outside the normal working
hours of Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.


For after hours emergencies involving Council facilities call 03 6323

For after hours emergency dog attacks call Tasmania Police on 131 444. For
stray or lost dogs, please see our [2]Stray Dogs page.

For emergency help in a flood or storm call the State Emergency Service on
132 500.

For emergency help during a fire please call 000 - for non-emergency
enquiries please call 1800 000 699.

In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).



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Dear Launceston City Council,

As promised here is the public request in the righttoknow website:

The response the council has been writing to members of public I refer includes the relevant below:

------/ clip /-------

We continue to wait for additional detail from Strike It Out regarding their sleep pods. Specifically we have asked for the following:

Explore the Privacy Act to ensure intake form does not convene anyone's rights, particularly collected data storage - In Strike It Out's application form they request extensive personal information like education level, medical history, medications, financials etc. We have flagged this information is highly sensitive and needs to be reviewed in the context of applicable legislation. The storage of this data also carries obligations that may apply to them.

------/ clip /--------

I've shortened the response here to highlight the relevant bit to this FOIA request on which I'm seeking the details how the Launceston City Council is using it's powers relating to Privacy Acts.

Yours faithfully,


Contact Us, Launceston City Council

1 Attachment

Thank you for making contact with the City of Launceston.

This automated response is to confirm that your email has been received.

Your correspondence will be allocated to the appropriate team or officer.

For any further queries in regards to your email, please email
[1][email address] or contact our Customer Service Team on
03 6323 3000.


Please note this email account is not checked outside the normal working
hours of Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.


For after hours emergencies involving Council facilities call 03 6323

For after hours emergency dog attacks call Tasmania Police on 131 444. For
stray or lost dogs, please see our [2]Stray Dogs page.

For emergency help in a flood or storm call the State Emergency Service on
132 500.

For emergency help during a fire please call 000 - for non-emergency
enquiries please call 1800 000 699.

In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).



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Lucas Lim, Launceston City Council

4 Attachments

  • Attachment


    7K Download

  • Attachment

    FW Right to Information request Council Policy on Using Privacy Act Jurisdiction Powers.txt

    5K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FW Right to Information request Council Policy on Using Privacy Act Jurisdiction Powers.txt

    3K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    17 Plx 005 Personal Information Protection Policy.pdf

    185K Download View as HTML

Dear Miss Anonymous


We refer to your email requests (attached) of 8 July 2024 in relation to
above subject matter.


Given that the requests have been generated with the same email address,
we will address each of these separately below.


1.     Initial email dated 8 July 2024 - 12:37PM


With regards to your query, the Council's obligations regarding the
protection of an individual's rights to personal privacy are set out in
the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 ('the Act'), and the attached
Personal Information Protection Policy.


2.     Subsequent email dated 8 July 2024 - 12:41PM


It is unclear as to what information is being sought in this email. If you
are able to provide some clarification regarding this or specify the type
of information required, further consideration can then be given.


In addition to the above email requests, the Council has received a number
of requests from various unique email addresses (akin to yours) regarding
similar subject matter, and it appears that these may have originated from
you. If this is correct, please consider sending each enquiry from a
single email address to allow the Council to process such request/s much
more efficiently.


Kind regards




[1]cid:image001.png@01D45CB2.316F0340 Lucas Lim 
Governance and Legal
Officer  | OSN Governance
T 03 6323 3625 |



[3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]

Please consider the environment before printing this, or any other e-mail
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Dear Lauceston City Council
Attention Lucas Lim

Thank you for your quick response relating to my information request -

The reason these requests come from different e-mail addresses is that these are able to be automatically separated under different issues from within a public website that is used and consumed by the general public at wide.


Launceston Council has it's page here which these requests are visible and tracked in:

The website also provides a mechanism where all information requests and responses are released publicly and openly for everyone to see to provide public transparency at wide.

The website also provides easy interface for the council convenience to save costs to handle these matters efficiently if you would like instead of tracking the e-mails.

The website is ran by OpenAustralia Foundation -

I have no connection or affiliation other than using the website they provide to manage all my information requests for my public research among the other general public using the website.

I understand that it has been just myself for now sending to you via this public information website.

However regarding Issues -

1. Council policy on Enforcement of Privacy Act
This is publicly visible to all public at and available for you to respond at:

Please correct me if wrong -

I believe that Council is not doing the infromation collection thus the council is not bound to protect the information it does not collect e.g. what 3rd parties collect.

The council sets out a policy - whether ad-hoc or standardised - to provide license to homeless accomodation.

My question is what under what policy - or enabling thing otherwise - the council is seeking to use ratepayer funding to enforce in order to bring compliance on private partner entities - e.g. what jurisdiction does the council have to enforce 3rd parties privacy compliance - e.g. Strike it Out

Related to this the council General Manager has been e-mailing the public the below I refer to relating to Strike it Out to be brought to compliance before license can be issued:

------/ clip /-------

We continue to wait for additional detail from Strike It Out regarding their sleep pods. Specifically we have asked for the following:

Explore the Privacy Act to ensure intake form does not convene anyone's rights, particularly collected data storage - In Strike It Out's application form they request extensive personal information like education level, medical history, medications, financials etc. We have flagged this information is highly sensitive and needs to be reviewed in the context of applicable legislation. The storage of this data also carries obligations that may apply to them.

------/ clip /--------

I believe based on the above -

The council may be / or is essentially holding a jusridiction to enforce 3rd parties compliance to privacy act.

Under what documented basis e.g. statutory authority, regulation, policy etc. does the council hold this jurisdiction on 3rd parties? I believe council may or may not have policy regarding this.

If the council does not have any standardised policy then it would be helpful for the public to know it does not have any such policy and these are ad-hoc case-by-casis basis approvals for license.

Especially given the council is funded by the rate payers to fund it's operations that involve the funding the enforcement activities relating to privacy act jurisdiction - or policy otherwise given it's against 3rd party the council has no jurisdiction otherwise on - please do correct me if wrong e.g. providing a document that enables the council to do this kind of enforcement.

2. Other requests - I have several other additional requests please see here from A to C:

A: The documentation that formed the basis of your press release related to Strike it Out

The council I believe has the documentation given the council refers to these documents in the release.

B: Homeles Statistics

I am asking for any statistics or reports that the council has already collected relating to homelessness.

C: Policy or Approval criteria for homeless temporary accomodation

Given the public interest relating to Strike it Out and the not published guidelines for approval criteria, I am asking whether the council has any established guidelines or documentation e.g. a policy that forms it's decision making to either help or provide approval for homeless accomodation in general which shows the council is prepared to either support or help otherwise such providers if any.

I believe on this your colleague Linda provided initial response:

I welcome Launceston City Council to provide appropriate documentation publicly related to it's press releases and public communication to it's rate payers given it has been already partially provided otherwise. Thank you!

Yours sincerely,


Lucas Lim, Launceston City Council

Dear Miss Anonymous

We refer to your email below and note that a response has been provided for each of the following matters below (ie: four (4) in total), of which have been submitted via the 'Right to Know' platform:

1. Strike it Documentation - Strike it Out's proposal (email: [email address]);
2. Policy or Approval Criteria for Homeless temporary accommodation (email: [email address]);
3. Council Policy on Using Privacy Act Jurisdiction/Powers (email: [FOI #11652 email]);
4. Homeless Statistics (email: [email address]).

As previously indicated, it is not practical for the Council to be corresponding with a single individual across multiple auto-generated email addresses. The Council is happy to continue this line of enquiry if you are able to send through all correspondence from a single email address. The Council is content for you to remain anonymous (eg: creating an anonymous email address) and to publish any correspondence exchanged on any public website.

For the reasons above and following this correspondence, please note that the Council will no longer engage in any further communication with you via the 'Right to Know' platform.

If you have any further queries relating to the subject matter of "Homeless", please direct it to this specific email address - [email address] . For all other queries, please send it through to the Council's general email address - [email address]

Kind regards

Lucas Lim
Governance and Legal Officer | OSN Governance
T 03 6323 3625 | http://www.launceston.tas.gov.au/

show quoted sections

Dear Lauceston City Council
Attn Lucas Lim / Governance and Legal Officer

I request an internal review of the blanket refusal to grant access to information via Right To Know -

The council does not have the legal legal authority to ignore requests from Right To Know


This is established law - please see:

I highlight that the action of the council is explicitly against statutes of S93A Freedom Of Information Act

And that the Office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has already made relevant authority:

-------/ Clip /--------

Part 3.48 of the Guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner under s 93A of the FOI Act (the FOI Guidelines), to which regard must be had in performing a function or exercising a power under the FOI Act, provide that a request can be posted on a public website and forwarded to a specified electronic address of the agency or the Minister. The FOI Guidelines reference the RTK website in the footnote, as an example of such a website.

-------/ Clip /--------

In order to save costs - I request that you withdraw the statement of refusing to engage via Right To Know website and comply with the statutes.

Please let me know that you continue engaging via Right To Know generated e-mails in order to save costs.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Launceston City Council,
Attn Proper Officer pertaining to Right to Information ("RTI")

Also a more formal request if needed:

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Right To Information ("RTI") reviews.

This is pursuant to s. 43 of RTI -

I am writing to request an internal review of Launceston City Council's handling of my Right To Information ("RTI") request 'Council Policy on Using Privacy Act Jurisdiction / Powers'

The council does not have legal authority to institute a blanket ban against request made via Right To Know (RTK) platform.

From federal level as previously quoted this is settled law - statutes and guidelines have changed from 2017 but this can be mirrored to state level under RTI covering the local authority.

As an user and with no affiliation with the platform or it's charity otherwise - I reject the suggestion that dealing with these requests would add undue burden to the council.

I work for the public interest and for the sake of transparency and openess we use the platform that is also otherwise publicly used by many other public agencies without any issues for many years after the caselaw was settled upon ATO determination from authority generated via the OAIC at federal level.

I see no reason under the RTI legislation either where the council is able to "block" or institute a blanket ban otherwise for using the RTK platform.

I invite The City fo Launceston Council to provide response on which section it relies of the RTI or Guidelines issued by the Ombudsman Tasmania - that enables the council to institute a blanket ban and to categorially pre-determine and refuse written requests that are happened by using software called RTK that submits e-mail just as another e-mail software would do.

I do not understand the council position either where supposedly resources would be diverted by using differnet kinds of software to send e-mails to the council which would not be any differnet than using any other type of software.

This may or may not also touch the jurisdiction around anti-competition or under productivity commission - but it is outside the scope of this request pertaining the RTI s. 43 internal review request.

I remind that it was the council who is making press releases about 3rd parties where it did not provide proactively releases of the information that it should have been released together in first place.

If the council would also have released the information publicly proactively in first place, we would not need to make these requests in order to fact check the public discourse that is happening.

So I ask the council in good faith to review the blanket pre-determined refusal that I believe the council does not have legal right to do either via RTI or Ombudsman Tasmania guidelines pertaining to RTI.

A full history of my RTI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/c...

Yours faithfully,


Contact Us, Launceston City Council

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Your correspondence will be allocated to the appropriate team or officer.

For any further queries in regards to your email, please email
[1][email address] or contact our Customer Service Team on
03 6323 3000.


Please note this email account is not checked outside the normal working
hours of Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.


For after hours emergencies involving Council facilities call 03 6323

For after hours emergency dog attacks call Tasmania Police on 131 444. For
stray or lost dogs, please see our [2]Stray Dogs page.

For emergency help in a flood or storm call the State Emergency Service on
132 500.

For emergency help during a fire please call 000 - for non-emergency
enquiries please call 1800 000 699.

In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).



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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()

We have written to Launceston City Council about some of the comments on this request, specifically those about not responding to requests made via Right to Know.

Dear Launceston City Council,

For the avoidance of doubt - also in addition re:
Council Policy on Using Privacy Act Jurisdiction / Powers'

Available publicly here for your convenience:

I am also requesting internal review pursuant to Right to Information (RTI)

For the blanket refusal to deal with the valid access request.

I am looking forward for the response for my internal review request - Thank you

Yours faithfully,


Contact Us, Launceston City Council

1 Attachment

Thank you for making contact with the City of Launceston.

This automated response is to confirm that your email has been received.

Your correspondence will be allocated to the appropriate team or officer.

For any further queries in regards to your email, please email
[1][email address] or contact our Customer Service Team on
03 6323 3000.


Please note this email account is not checked outside the normal working
hours of Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.


For after hours emergencies involving Council facilities call 03 6323

For after hours emergency dog attacks call Tasmania Police on 131 444. For
stray or lost dogs, please see our [2]Stray Dogs page.

For emergency help in a flood or storm call the State Emergency Service on
132 500.

For emergency help during a fire please call 000 - for non-emergency
enquiries please call 1800 000 699.

In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).



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City of Launceston, Launceston City Council

Dear Miss Anonymous,
Thank you for your email sent 24 July 2024 via righttoknow.org.au.
While I encourage you to contact us directly in the manner suggested in our earlier email to you, I confirm that the Council will consider further requests from you via righttoknow.org.au on a case by case basis. This is a matter of customer service rather than one of saving costs, as information provided pursuant to the Right to Information Act 2009 (Tas) is usually provided free of charge, with the exception of information sought by assessed disclosure.
Kind regards,
City of Launceston.

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are MissAnonymous please sign in and let everyone know.