Correspondence with CSC or similar 1 July 2019 through 30 June 2021

Perfectly Normal Applicant made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Federal Police

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Perfectly Normal Applicant

Dear Australian Federal Police,

I request:
- any correspondence
- to or from the AFP and another Commonwealth entity (including but not limited to the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation)
- sent, received or dated between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2021 inclusive
- regarding, directly or indirectly, (1) PSSap; and, (2) the requirement, or lack of requirement, for the AFP to tell PSSap members how much superannuation they have been paid as a percentage of their salary

'Correspondence' is construed broadly - any communication for which there is a record. Email, letter, GIFs sent in SES chat groups, messages by carrier pigeon, etc.

Final versions only is acceptable, drafts are not required

If documents you think would satisfy me are easily found, I am open to negotiating the terms of my request to avoid the need for an exhaustive search that provides little of interest

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Australian Federal Police

Dear Me
I refer to your below email to the Australian Federal Police (AFP).
Based on the current wording of your request, we are concerned your scope
is too broad to process, and could lead to a practical refusal
consultation process, for the following reasons:
•       ‘correspondence to or from the AFP’ – this would require searches
of emails to be conducted by every AFP member;
•       the broadness of the term ‘correspondence’ as this would require
AFP members to search numerous communication platforms, which would take a
considerable amount of time;
•       not specifying a particular agency;
•       and the timeframe specified.
To enable searches to be undertaken, you may wish to consider revising the
scope of your request in the following ways:
•       limiting the term ‘correspondence’ to emails and letters;
•       correspondence to and from AFP payroll regarding PPSap and the
requirement of telling members how much superannuation they have been
paid; or
•       having a shorter timeframe.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could please provide a response to
this email by COB Tuesday, 10 May 2022.
Kind regards
AFP 24826

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Perfectly Normal Applicant

Dear FOI,

Thanks for your email

I agree to narrow ‘correspondence’ to emails and letters

I agree to limit it to correspondence between the AFP and CSC

I don’t presently agree to limit it to AFP Payroll. Do you mean their group inbox? Or individual members, but only in AFP Payroll?

I would agree to limit emails to ones sent / received by AFP Payroll members and team inboxes, including their direct chain of command up to SES2.

Letters would be for all People & Culture, and the relevant Deputy’s office, and the Commissioner’s office

I don’t understand the concern about the time if limited to emails / letters. There won’t be many formal letters? And emails can be searched by date range and keyword?

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Australian Federal Police


Good morning,


Thank you for your response of 6 May 2022. 


Please see below proposed revised scope for your consideration.


I request:


1.       Final version of emails for the period 1 July 2019 and 30 June
2021 inclusive between AFP Payroll inbox and Commonwealth Superannuation
Corporation (CSC) regarding, directly or indirectly:


a)      PSSap; and,

b)      the requirement, or lack of requirement, for the AFP to tell PSSap
members how much superannuation they have been paid as a percentage of
their salary.


2.       Final version of letters for the period 1 July 2019 and 30 June
2021 inclusive between AFP People & Culture Command or the AFP
Commissioner’s Office and CSC regarding, directly or indirectly:


a)      PSSap; and,

b)      the requirement, or lack of requirement, for the AFP to tell PSSap
members how much superannuation they have been paid as a percentage of
their salary.


Your response by Friday, 13 May 2022 would be appreciated. 




AFP 23141

FOI Officer

Chief Counsel

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Perfectly Normal Applicant

Dear FOI,

For point 2, could it also include the relevant Deputy’s office, just in case

Otherwise yes revised scope agreed

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Australian Federal Police

2 Attachments


Good afternoon,


I refer to your request dated 5 May 2022, seeking access to documents
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) as follows:


I request:


1.       Final version of emails for the period 1 July 2019 and 30 June
2021 inclusive between AFP Payroll inbox and Commonwealth Superannuation
Corporation (CSC) regarding, directly or indirectly:


a.        PSSap; and,

b.       the requirement, or lack of requirement, for the AFP to tell
PSSap members how much superannuation they have been paid as a percentage
of their salary.


2.       Final version of letters for the period 1 July 2019 and 30 June
2021 inclusive between AFP People & Culture Command (and relevant Deputy
Commissioner) or the AFP Commissioner’s Office and CSC regarding,
directly or indirectly:


a.        PSSap; and,

b.       the requirement, or lack of requirement, for the AFP to tell
PSSap members how much superannuation they have been paid as a percentage
of their salary.




Your request was received by the AFP on 5 May 2022, and the 30 day
statutory period for processing your request commenced from that date. The
due date for your request is 4 June 2022. 


As the AFP focuses its efforts on managing the impact of COVID-19 on its
critical operations, our ability to process requests for information under
the Act may be affected or not delivered within expected timeframes. We
apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this
period. Should this occur we will contact you as soon as practicable, and
seek to extend processing timeframes in accordance with the Act.


Information irrelevant to the scope of your request


The AFP, in its management of FOI requests, excludes the following
information on the basis that is irrelevant to the scope of a request:


-      duplicate documents, including duplicate emails (the AFP will only
provide emails where they form a final email chain and the
authors/recipients are contained within the final email); and

-      information that is publicly available, for example, newspaper
articles, online publications including information available on the AFP
Information Publication Scheme and the AFP disclosure log.


Please advise this office that you also consent to exclude the following


-      Names of AFP members, other than the Senior Executive; and

-      Direct telephone numbers, middle names of AFP members, signatures
and mobile telephone numbers of AFP members.


Disclosure of your identity


The AFP may be required to consult with third parties in accordance with
sections 26A, 27 and 27A of the Act. Please advise us if you consent to
the AFP identifying you as the FOI applicant for the purposes of the
consultation.  If we do not receive your consent, we will not disclose
your identity to third parties.


Information Publication Scheme


Please be advised that effective 1 May 2011 and in accordance with section
8(2) of the Act, an agency is required to publish information on the AFP
website following the notification of a decision in respect of a freedom
of information request.  Details of the decision will be published in a
Disclosure Log which can be found at


The requirement to publish information released under FOI reinforces the
objectives of the FOI Act to promote a pro-disclosure culture across
government, and to increase recognition that information held by
government is a national resource.  Exceptions to the requirement to
publish information would apply to personal information and information
concerning the business affairs of a person if it was considered
‘unreasonable’ to do so. 


If however, after noting the above, you wish to raise any concerns about
the publication of information concerning your request prior to the
notification of a decision, please advise the AFP in writing before 4 June



AFP 23141

FOI Officer

Chief Counsel

[3]Australian Federal Police






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Visible links

FOI, Australian Federal Police

2 Attachments

Dear Me

Please find attached correspondence in regards to your FOI request, CRM2022/1181 (LEX763).

Kind regards


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