Copy or links of law or act for use of capital names in government document

The request was successful.

Dear Attorney-General's Department,

Please provide the copy or online link to any or all laws or acts or guidelines used in Australia that clearly mandates government department to only use CAPITAL NAMES for their reference and correspondence like licence , medicare card, TFN etc etc.

Yours faithfully,

Ajay Singh

FOI Requests, Attorney-General's Department

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FOI Requests, Attorney-General's Department

Dear Mr Singh
Thank you for your email received by the Attorney-General's Department
(the department) on 24 May 2023 in which you are seeking to know by which
authority agencies spell out names in capital letters.
Please note that the department does not have policy responsibility for
licencing, Medicare or the Australian Tax Office (ATO). Freedom of
Information contact details for Medicare and the ATO are:

* [1]
* [2]

Can you please advise if you wish to proceed with making an FOI request to
the Attorney-General’s Department about this subject. If we do not hear
back from you by 9 June 2023 we will take this to mean you no longer wish
to make an FOI request to the department and no further action will be
Kind regards
[Personal Information Redacted]
Freedom of Information and Privacy
Attorney-General’s Department
T: 02 6141 6666 | E: [3][AGD request email]
-----Original Message-----
From: Ajay Singh <[FOI #10338 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 May 2023 9:28 PM
To: FOI Requests <[AGD request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Copy or links of law or act for
use of capital names in government document
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not
follow guidance, click links, or open attachments unless you recognise the
sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Attorney-General's Department,
Please provide the copy or online link to any or all laws or acts or
guidelines used in Australia that clearly mandates government department
to only use CAPITAL NAMES for their reference and correspondence like
licence , medicare card, TFN etc etc.
Yours faithfully,
Ajay Singh
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #10338 email]
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5. mailto:[AGD request email]

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