Common Law Early Identification and Preparation Project expenditure

Currently waiting for a response from Worksafe Victoria, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Worksafe Victoria,

I request the following information:

* Expenditure by Worksafe Victoria on any work related to research and development of the Common Law Early Identification and Preparation Project.

* Expenditure by Worksafe Victoria on any work undertaken as part of Common Law Early Identification and Preparation Project pilot programs 1, 2 and 3.

* Expenditure by Worksafe Victoria on any work related to common law early identification and preparation (also referred to as “common law potential”) after the completion of pilot program 3.

I ask that the information be broken up into annual expenditure and separately identifies panel firm fees paid for cases of “no common law potential”, panel firm fees paid for “having common law potential” and any other sundry payments to panel firms associated with the common law potential program.

I request copies of all invoices from panel firms for fees paid in relation to the above.

Yours faithfully,

Dale Webster