Case notes
Dear Department of Human Services,
Can I please request the case notes of the FOI Team for all FOI requests involving Right To Know this year (to date). This includes notes made by Jessica, Jack, Stacey and Bruce.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Danielle,
Please find attached correspondence regarding your FOI request.
Kind regards,
FOI Legal Team
FOI and Litigation Branch | Legal Services Division
Department of Human Services
[1][email address]
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I am happy for my request to be reworded as following:
'File notes that Jessica and Jack have personally made for any FOI matters that they have worked on from January 2017 - present.'
Please contact me if you need more details.
I will submit a separate request for matters that Bruce and Stacey have worked on shortly.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Danielle,
Please find attached correspondence regarding your FOI requests.
Kind regards,
FOI Legal Team
FOI and Litigation Branch | Legal Services Division
Department of Human Services
[1][email address]
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Dear Danielle,
Please find attached correspondence regarding your FOI requests.
Kind regards,
FOI Legal Team
FOI and Litigation Branch | Legal Services Division
Department of Human Services
[1][email address]
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Verity Pane left an annotation ()
As stated in the agency’s response “I will have to refuse your FOI request as 'practical refusal reasons' exist in relation to it.”
The requester did not wish to cede to the agency’s demands to vary the FOI and the period expired and a deemed refusal has occurred.
The refused flag is correct.
Stephanie Johnson left an annotation ()
This has been incorrectly marked as refused. The Department of Human Services hasn't refused it, they have tried to start a 'request consultation period' with the applicant.
Danielle, if you revise the scope of your request you may get some documents. You can then put in another request after that for some more documents.