We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jan please sign in and let everyone know.

Car incident

We're waiting for Jan to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Victorian Department of Transport and Planning,

Could I please get a copy of footage for the corner of Riversdale Road and Elgar Road? I was involved in a car incident with the other car hit and run happened on 16th July 2024 8:15am.

Yours faithfully,
Jan Lo

Transport FOI Requests (DTP), Victorian Department of Transport and Planning

Thank you for your email below.
Live stream VicRoads CCTV or traffic monitoring cameras are used by the VicRoads Transport Operations Centre (TOC) staff to identify incidents on the road network. TOC staff use this technology to respond to public concerns, assist the media with traffic reports, and monitor congestion and roadworks.
These cameras are used for real-time traffic and incident monitoring and recordings are not routinely made.
As the cameras are live stream and don’t record, I’m afraid that we’re unable to provide you with any footage.


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jan please sign in and let everyone know.