Bond Transfers in WA
Dear WA Department of Commerce,
Could you please provide me with any information that would help answer the following questions:
1) What proportion of tenants in WA attempt to transfer their bond from one lease to another?
2) What proportion of new bonds lodged could be executed via a transfer (i.e. what proportion have the same tenants as a previous bond)?
In other words, is the transfer option being exercised in those cases where it could be used?
And also, do you have any existing research that would help explain the level of utilisation of the transfer feature?
Yours faithfully,
Justin Tauber
Dear Mr Tauber,
A copy of your email was directed to Consumer Protection from the Online
Services Helpdesk.
Your email has been forwarded to the Records Governance Team.
Should it be necessary, an officer will contact you in due course.
Kind regards,
Contact Centre Team
Senior Customer Service Officer, Contact Centre, Consumer Protection,
Department of Commerce, Western Australia
A Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street, Perth P Locked Bag 14
Cloisters Square PO, PERTH 6850
E [1][email address] W [2]
T 1300 30 40 54 Contact Centre
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Dear Mr Tauber,
Thank you for your enquiry. Your mail has been passed onto me, as the
Manager of Bond Administration Branch and I reply as follows:
1) What proportion of tenants in WA attempt to transfer their bond from
one lease to another?
In the last 12 months 843 lodgements of 105,474 new lodgements were paid
with a transfer from a previously disposed bond. This equates to 0.79%.
2) What proportion of new bonds lodged could be executed via a transfer
(i.e. what proportion have the same tenants as a previous bond)?
No statistics are available, however the number would be minimal.
In other words, is the transfer option being exercised in those cases
where it could be used? And also, do you have any existing research that
would help explain the level of utilisation of the transfer feature?
WA Bond Administration does not have a ‘transfer feature’ similar to other
States. There is the option to transfer the balance of a dispersed bond
onto a new lodgement, however for this to occur, the tenants would have to
be renting a new property from the same agent/lessor.
On 1 September 2016, it became mandatory for all real estate agents to
manage their bonds electronically using the Department’s BondsOnline
portal. This system handles transfers differently and requires agents to
disperse the bond back to the agency trust account and then re-lodge the
funds as an entirely new bond. This new process will see the ‘transfer’
feature used even less.
Kind regards,
Carole Finn
Manager Bond Administration, Consumer Protection, Department of Commerce,
Western Australia
A Mason Bird Building Level 1 303 Sevenoaks St Cannington WA 6107
P Locked Bag 14 Cloisters Square PO, PERTH 6850
T (08) 6251 2418 (Direct)W [1]
T 1300 853 829 Bonds Enquiries
From: CP Call Centre
Sent: Monday, 13 March 2017 2:15 PM
To: '[FOI #3225 email]'
Subject: [2][FOI #3225 email] - OTHER - Freedom
of Information request - Bond Transfers in WA
Dear Mr Tauber,
A copy of your email was directed to Consumer Protection from the Online
Services Helpdesk.
Your email has been forwarded to the Records Governance Team.
Should it be necessary, an officer will contact you in due course.
Kind regards,
Contact Centre Team
Senior Customer Service Officer, Contact Centre, Consumer Protection,
Department of Commerce, Western Australia
A Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street, Perth P Locked Bag 14
Cloisters Square PO, PERTH 6850
E [3][email address] W [4]
T 1300 30 40 54 Contact Centre
Twitter: [5]@ConsumerWA
Facebook: [6]
YouTube: [7]
Dear Carole Finn,
Thanks very much, Carole.
You've answered my questions.
Yours sincerely,
Justin Tauber