ARPANSA business case
Dear Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency,
I am seeking access to information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to a document titled ‘Business Case’ (ARPANSA-PM-TMP-002), specifically the sections:
• Why are we doing this project? What problem are we trying to solve? What is the current state? Try to summarise in five dot points.
• Summary of business case
• What are the risks of doing or not doing the project?
Yours faithfully,
Guido Orefice
Dear Guido Orefice
I refer to your request below dated 23 May 2019 for access to the following document under the Freedom of Information Act 1982:
Document titled ‘Business Case’ (ARPANSA-PM-TMP-002), specifically the sections:
• Why are we doing this project? What problem are we trying to solve? What is the current state? Try to summarise in five dot points.
• Summary of business case
• What are the risks of doing or not doing the project?
You should therefore expect a decision from me by Monday 24 June 2019. The period of 30 days may be extended if I need to consult third parties or for other reasons.
Kind regards
Gemma Larkins
Legal Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Dear Guido Orefice
Please find attached the decision in relation to your FOI request below.
Kind regards
Gemma Larkins
Legal Officer
Office of the General Counsel