AI Safety
Dear Department of Defence Freedom of Information Officer,
I am writing to request access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Specifically, I seek copies of any documents created since 1 November 2024 that pertain to artificial intelligence (AI) safety. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Internal reports, memoranda, or briefing notes discussing AI safety considerations.
- Correspondence (including emails) between departmental officials regarding AI safety.
- Minutes or records of meetings where AI safety was discussed.
- Policy documents or drafts related to the development or implementation of AI safety standards.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Santa
I refer to your two (2) letters of enquiry received on 18 January 2025 in
regards to documents held by the Department of Defence (Defence).
Section 24(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) allows an
agency to treat two or more requests as a single request.
Accordingly, due to the similarity of your letters of enquiry, Defence
will address you inquiries as one (1) FOI Request.
You will receive a letter of acknowledgement and FOI Request number
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division
Department of Defence
[1]Freedom of information requests | About | Defence
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