Advertising Info re covid vaccines 2021

Currently waiting for a response from Victorian Department of Health, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Victorian Department of Health,

I am writing to request
(1) all documents (emails, faxes, letters or text messages) resulting in the commissioning of Michelle Spence RN to the advert/promotion of COVID vaccination broadcast on TV or in print media on or around 03/10/2021]. The documents should include the full trail from the agreement of RN Spence to appear, retrospectively back to the first related email that enquires as to the availability of a nurse to promote the COVID vaccines in the manner displayed. The documents should also include any contracts signed by the hospital or RN Spence to appear.
(2) a list of all COVID-related payments received by Royal Melbourne Hospital in relation to COVID or COVID vaccines or any vaccines in the time period 03/04/2021-03/04/2022 being aprox. the 6 months before and 6 months after the appearance of Michelle Spence.

Link below for relevant example.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda Hewitt

FOI Health (HEALTH), Victorian Department of Health

Good afternoon Amanda,
Thank you for your email below requesting documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the Act).
Invalid request – Application fee required
The Act provides that an application fee of $32.70 must accompany each
request. In the current circumstances, the department's preferred method
of payment is via the Victorian Government's online FOI portal at the
below link:
If it is your first time using this portal, please click “self-register”
and follow the prompts.
Please quote your reference number (F24/1572) in the "Request Details"
section of the online form. You do not need to provide the wording of your
request again.
The Act also provides that the application fee may be waived or reduced if
payment of the fee would cause financial hardship. If you consider this to
be the case the fee may be waived or reduced on production of evidence of
how the payment of the application fee would cause you hardship. 
As stated on the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s
website, an applicant should provide evidence of hardship when they are
requesting an agency to waive or reduce the application fee:
‘If you request the application fee to be waived or reduced, you should
provide evidence of hardship – for example, a concession or health care
card, a bank statement, or statutory declaration outlining why payment
would cause you hardship.’
Please note your request cannot proceed until the application fee or
evidence of hardship has been received as it is not a valid request.
I would appreciate it if you would respond by 30 July 2024, otherwise I
will assume that you do not wish to proceed and no further action will be
taken by the department.
Please direct all correspondence relating to your request to
[2][Victorian Department of Health request email].
Kind regards,
Authorised Officer | Freedom of Information unit 
People, Operations, Legal and Regulation Division
Department of Health 

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