Dear Defence FOI,

I am seeking information about how the Australian Defence Force writes Decision Briefs, and was wondering if their was any official documentation which outlines how a Decision Brief is to be structured and / or laid out.

I look forward to Defence FOI please provide this information soon,

Yours faithfully,

John Davis

FOI, Department of Defence


Good morning John,


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Freedom of Information Team

Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division

Department of Defence



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Good morning Defence FOI,

Thank you for getting back to me about my FOI, and stating now it's more of a Request For Information (RFI), rather than a request for Freedom Of Information (FOI).

Regardless, I was hoping Defence FOI would be able to point me in the direction of where I might be able to located or find associated documentation relating to my request? Such as providing a link to the Australian Government Style Manual ( or somewhere similar which would or could fulfill my request and be seen as a satisfactory answer to my request.

Regardless, I thank Defence FOI for their efforts, and I will formulate a new FOI Request which should include an ADF Decision Brief in the form of a document.

Yours sincerely,

John Davis