20144 (1) Personalised Audience Experience

Rex Banner made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Broadcasting Corporation

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Dear Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

I am writing to request a copy of the following Privacy Impact Assessment under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).

PIA Reference Number: 20144 (1)
Project Name: Personalised Audience Experience

I understand that the ABC is required to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment for any new initiative that may have an impact on the personal information of individuals.

I would be grateful if you could provide a copy of the Privacy Impact Assessment.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Rex Banner

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation



Rex Banner


PIA ref. no. 20144(1)


We refer to your email of 16 January 2023 seeking under the Freedom of
Information Act (Cth) 1982 (the FOI Act):


[a copy of] PIA Reference Number: 20144 (1)
Project Name: Personalised Audience Experience


The ABC is required to make a decision on your request by Wednesday 15
February 2023, subject to any suspension of the processing period or
extension of time under the FOI Act.


The ABC will advise you if any processing charges apply or if third-party
consultation is required.  


By making an FOI request, you are providing personal information to the
ABC. The ABC manages personal information in accordance with its Privacy
Policy - available at: [1]http://about.abc.net.au/abc-privacy-poli....
Personal information may be disclosed in the course of processing this
request, such as for internal reporting.


The ABC will consider your request in accordance with the FOI Act and
provide you with a decision as soon as practicable. 


Many thanks,

FOI team

ABC Legal

This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the addressee.
It is confidential and may contain privileged information. You should not
read, copy, use or disclose it, or take any other action in reliance of
the information contained in this email, without authorisation. If you
have received the email in error, please immediately let the sender know
by separate email or telephone and delete the email from your system.


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FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

ABC FOI 202223-038

Rex Banner

The ABC is required to consult with an affected third party or parties
under ss 27A and or 27 of the Freedom of Information Act (Cth) 1982.

As such, the time for processing your request is automatically extended by
30 days under section 15(6) of the FOI Act and the decision is due by
Friday 17 March 2023.

If you consent to your name being disclosed as the FOI applicant for the
purposes of third party consultation, please respond by email. It is

Many thanks,

FOI team

ABC Legal


This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the addressee.
It is confidential and may contain privileged information. You should not
read, copy, use or disclose it, or take any other action in reliance of
the information contained in this email, without authorisation. If you
have received the email in error, please immediately let the sender know
by separate email or telephone and delete the email from your system.


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I don't consent.

Yours sincerely,

Rex Banner

Rex Banner left an annotation ()

I'm aware this is public anyway, but I can't see the point and don't want to encourage this being asked.

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

ABC FOI 202223-038


Rex Banner


Attached is the ABC’s decision letter about your freedom of information

Many thanks,

FOI team

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