2011-2014 Financial worth of Illicit Substances seized by the AFP

Natasha Taylor made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Federal Police

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Natasha Taylor

Dear Australian Federal Police,

I am wishing to obtain all records and documents detailing the financial worth of all drug seizures made nationally, including seizures made in association with Customs and Border Protection between the financial year periods of July 1st, 2011 to June 30th 2012, July 1st, 2012 to June 30th, 2013 and July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2014 . I wish to obtain all relevant documents detailing especially the annual worth of cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana and heroine seized by the Australian Federal Police, of both national seizures and seizures made through Customs and Border Protection in association with the Australian Federal Police.

In addition, I wish to obtain the record of the current prevalence of prostitution in Australia and specifically NSW as monitored by the Australian Federal Police.

Yours faithfully,

Ms Natasha Taylor

FOI, Australian Federal Police

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If you are requesting personal information about yourself then please ensure you enclose a copy of your photographic identification.

Further details on how to make a valid FOI request can be found on the Australian Federal Police’s website at: http://www.afp.gov.au/about-the-afp/foi-...

The Australian Federal Police will acknowledge your request in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Act.

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AFP Web site: http://www.afp.gov.au

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Natasha Taylor

Dear FOI,

I request the aforementioned documentation and information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Yours sincerely,

Natasha Taylor

FOI, Australian Federal Police

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Please note that this is an automated response to confirm that your email was sent to the Australian Federal Police FOI inbox.

This FOI inbox is monitored by the information Access Team between 8 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday.

If you wish to lodge a request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), please ensure that your request is in writing, states that it is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act and provides sufficient detail describing the documents you wish to access.

If you are requesting personal information about yourself then please ensure you enclose a copy of your photographic identification.

Further details on how to make a valid FOI request can be found on the Australian Federal Police’s website at: http://www.afp.gov.au/about-the-afp/foi-...

The Australian Federal Police will acknowledge your request in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Act.

Information Access can be contacted on 02 6131 6131


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AFP Web site: http://www.afp.gov.au

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FOI, Australian Federal Police

1 Attachment



Our ref: CRM 2014/541


4 July 2014


Dear Ms Taylor,


Your Freedom of Information Request to the Australian Federal Police


I refer to your application dated 12 June 2014 in which you seek access to
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act).


I confirm your Freedom of Information request was received by the AFP on
12 June 2014. The AFP is experiencing an increase in the volume of freedom
of information applications. This high demand for access to documents
coupled with staff movements has impacted on case officer workloads and
accordingly, the AFP anticipates it will be unable to process your
application within the initial 30 day statutory time limit. 


Based on our experience in processing freedom of information applications,
the AFP envisages that we will be unable to advise you of a decision by 13
July 2014. This anticipated delay is regrettable and I apologise for any
inconvenience it may cause however, please be assured the AFP will
continue to process your application as quickly as possible to minimise
any delay to you. 


Accordingly, pursuant to section 15AA of the Act, I am seeking your
agreement to extend the period by 30 days to notify you of a decision by
12 August 2014. It would be appreciated if you would advise this office in
writing of your agreement to the proposed extension of time so we may
inform the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


You will be notified of any charges in accordance with the Freedom of
Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations, should they apply, in relation
to your request as soon as practicable. 


If you have any queries in relation to this matter, please do not hesitate
to contact this office.


Yours sincerely,


Tel +61(0) 2 61316131 Fax +61(0) 2









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AFP Web site: http://www.afp.gov.au


Visible links
2. http://www.afp.gov.au/

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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()

Not sure if its worth pointing out, but you don't have to accept a request to extend the time under the law.

FOI, Australian Federal Police

7 Attachments



Good Morning Ms Taylor,


Please find attached documents as requested.


Please also find the relevant links, referred to within the attached,


·         2012-13 Annual Report: 

·         2011-12 Annual Report: 

·         Drug Harm Index

·         Illicit Drugs Data Report 2012-13:

·         Illicit Drugs Data Report 2011-12:


Kind Regards


Tel +61(0) 2 61316131 Fax +61(0)
2 61326082







This email message and any attached files may contain information
that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for
use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you
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have received this message in error and that any use, copying,
circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or
attached files is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the
information contained therein. If you have received this message in
error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your

AFP Web site: http://www.afp.gov.au


Visible links
1. http://www.afp.gov.au/media-centre/publi...
2. http://www.afp.gov.au/media-centre/publi...
3. http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-...
4. https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites...
5. https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/publi...
7. http://www.afp.gov.au/

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