FOI 24/25-0223
Document 15
Research Request – Efficacy of Rehabilitation Training
Efficacy of Rehabilitation Training Machines (Motomed/Active passive trainer/FES
- Evidence of use in populations such as SCI, MS, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and
cerebral palsy
- Evidence of benefits including health outcomes and carryover into functional benefits
- Dosages trialled and recommended
- Any comparisons made to standard treatment regimes
Date 03/06/2020
Requester Maureen Ss47F - personal privacy
Researcher Jane Ss47F - personal privacy
Cleared by Jane Ss47F - personal privacy
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Document 15
Table of Contents
Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Efficacy of Rehabilitation Training Machines .................................................................................. 4
1.1 Multiple Sclerosis .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer ............................................................................. 4
1.1.2 FES cycling .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.3 Conventional Exercise Training Programs.............................................................................. 5
1.2 Spinal Cord Injury ........................................................................................................................ 13
1.2.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer ........................................................................... 13
1.2.2 FES cycling ............................................................................................................................ 13
1.2.3 Conventional Exercise Training Programs............................................................................ 14
1.3 Stroke .......................................................................................................................................... 22
1.3.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer ........................................................................... 22
1.3.2 FES cycling ............................................................................................................................ 23
1.4 Parkinson’s disease ..................................................................................................................... 28
1.4.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer ........................................................................... 28
1.4.2 FES cycling ............................................................................................................................ 28
1.5 Cerebral Palsy .............................................................................................................................. 32
1.5.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer ........................................................................... 32
1.5.2 FES cycling ............................................................................................................................ 32
1.5.3 Conventional Exercise Training Programs............................................................................ 32
Reference List ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Please note:
The research and literature reviews col ated by our TAT Research Team are not to be shared
external to the Branch. These are for internal TAT use only and are intended to assist our advisors
with their reasonable and necessary decision making.
Delegates have access to a wide variety of comprehensive guidance material. If Delegates require
further information on access or planning matters they are to cal the TAPS line for advice.
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MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer
-Quality of research is generally of medium-high quality across stroke, SCI, Parkinson’s
disease and cerebral palsy. Although, many studies conclude that further research is needed
which included larger control ed samples and utilise consistent outcomes measures and
-Results vary between conditions as different outcome measures are used, however, there
is evidence to suggest that these rehabilitation trainers can increase cardiovascular,
musculoskeletal and neurological outcomes.
- Long term health and functional related outcomes were rarely reported. The longest
intervention duration reported was 12 weeks
- Dosages vary significantly. On average, studies investigated interventions which lasted 20-
30 minutes, 2-3 times a week
-Refer to individual disorders for separate research on MOTOmed and/or Active Passive
-Very few studies investigated the devices in a home setting
FES cycling
-Quality of research into FES cycling for multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy was low to very
low. There is a paucity of evidence looking at FES cycling for those with Parkinson’s disease
with only a single subject design study discovered. Stork and spinal cord injury had greater –
quality research evidence ranging from medium to high.
-Research from all diseases showed mixed results across cardiorespiratory and functional
performance, as well as musculoskeletal and psychological outcomes. For example, some
studies found reduced spasticity in those with SCI and others did not. See individual diseases
for exact findings.
-Differences in the duration and effort of intervention, as wel as outcome measures used
led to significant heterogeneity and inability to directly compare results within and between
- Significant variation in dosages ranging from 10-90 minutes, 2-7 times per week over 2 to
24 weeks.
- Long term health and functional related outcomes were rarely reported. The longest
intervention duration reported was 24 weeks.
-Very few studies investigated the devices in a home setting
Where possible, conventional exercise training programs are also provided if a systematic
review existed on the topic. This allows for some comparison to regular physical therapy
interventions that are currently delivered to these cohorts of patients.
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1. Efficacy of Rehabilitation Training Machines
1.1 Multiple Sclerosis
1.1.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer
A single randomised controlled trial (RCT) [1] has investigated the effectiveness of a neuro-
physiotherapy programme based on feedback cycling for improving gait in patients with
multiple sclerosis (MS) using a
MOTOmed device.
This study included 61 patients with mild to moderate MS. Half performed one 30 minute
session per week for three months using the MOTOmed Viva2 Movement Trainer in
addition to a personalised exercise program to be completed at home. The control group
only received the personalised at home exercise program.
No significant differences in walking speed or cadence (steps per minute) between groups.
Intervention group showed statistical y significant improvements in Functional Ambulatory
Performance (FAP) across all time intervals. Stride length significantly improved in the
intervention group across al time intervals and between baseline and final measurement in
the control group.
Quality = Medium
- Results suggest that visual biofeedback cycling training may be a viable. However, larger
studies are required with different treatment intervals to determine efficacy
An RCT by Barclay et al. (2019) [2] evaluated the feasibility of a progressive, four week lower
limb cycling programme using
active passive trainers (APT's) on spasticity, cardiovascular
fitness, function and quality of life in people with moderate to severe MS.
• Intervention group
- 30 min of APT cycling (2 min passive warm up, 26 min active cycling and 2 min
passive cool down)
- 20 sessions (5 days per week for four weeks in addition to usual care)
• Control group
-Individualised therapy programme, delivered Monday to Friday
• Performed in a clinical setting
• Average power output, distance cycled and speed improved in the intervention
group but this did not translate to statistical changes in the outcome measures.
• Improvements were shown across both groups for physical health and mental
health. Effect Size = 0.93 intervention and 0.46 control
• Cardiovascular health = Medium effect size in intervention (0.36) compared to
control group (0.07)
Quality = Medium
- Smal sample size and intervention group also underwent usual care so difficult to separate effect
of the intervention.
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1.1.2 FES cycling
Two systematic reviews [3, 4] examining the outcomes of people with MS with mobility
impairment following Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) cycling have been conducted.
Both reviews found that intervention duration ranged from 10-60 minutes, 2-3 times per
week over 2 to 24 weeks. The majority were performed in clinical settings (89%).
Stimulation parameters for most trials involved a pulse width of 200–300 μ sec at a
frequency of 20–50 Hz and a cycling cadence of 10–50 rpm. All stimulated the quadriceps,
hamstrings, and gluteal muscle groups, with the exception of one trial.
Cardiorespiratory performance (VO2 max, peak aerobic capacity, peak work rate,
power generation) = No improvement
Functional performance (2-min walk test, 25-foot walk test, 10m walk test or 12
item MS walking scale)
= No significant improvement
Musculoskeletal outcomes = No improvement in lower body strength (knee and hip
parameters) or long term improvements in spasticity
- Significant reduction in spasticity directly post FES
Psychological outcomes = No improvement in Quality of Life (QOL) or mental health
- High levels of participant satisfaction
Adverse events = 10 adverse events reported across studies including skin irritation,
increased spasticity, bowel dysfunction and fatigue
Quality – Low
These reviews included studies of low quality (pre-post studies with no control group,
retrospective and case studies) and a single RCT which didn’t perform blinding or achieve a
sufficient sample size which introduces bias and limits generalisability. This precludes any
definitive conclusions regarding the efficacy of FES cycling for MS.
1.1.3 Conventional Exercise Training Programs
Two systematic reviews examining the benefits of ‘exercise training’ in patients with MS
have been conducted.
1) Latimer-Cheung et al. (2013) [5] investigated patients with mild-moderate MS and
performed a meta-analysis and combined the below interventions;
-Technogym equipment
-Resistance training with simultaneous electrostimulation
-Static bike
-Plyometric exercises
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-Consistent and strong evidence that aerobic and resistance exercise performed 2 times per
week at a moderate intensity increases physical capacity and muscular strength,
- Evidence supporting the benefits of exercise on mobility and fatigue is promising, there is
insufficient evidence to definitively establish the prescriptive amounts, intensities, or types
of exercise to improve these outcomes.
-Not enough good-quality evidence to date supporting the benefits of exercise for improving
Health related QOL outcomes.
-No evidence that FES cycling is effective for increasing strength.
Quality – High
Inclusion of high quality RCTs (29/54). Consistent finding and ability to perform a meta-
analysis shows homogeneity in outcome measures
2) Edwards et al. (2017) [6] investigated studies which included participants with severe MS
(severe mobility issues). The number of studies were limited compared to those which
investigate mild-moderate MS.
Mixed results across all outcomes for all treatment types
Conventional exercise training: no statistical y significant improvements in any of
the outcomes
Conventional resistance exercise training
-Significant improvements in muscular strength, muscle endurance, balance, fatigue
symptoms, and QOL when combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Bodyweight support treadmil training
-Mixed results (some positive others no change) across outcomes on level of
disability, knee extensor strength, walking, endurance, walking speed, gait
kinematics, balance and agility, fatigue, QOL
Total body recumbent stepper training (one study)
-No change in disability or physical function reported. Fatigue significantly reduced
after the intervention.
Quality – Medium
Significant heterogeneity led to
inability to perform meta-analysis. Further research is
necessary to determine the most efficacious and effective exercise approaches for
individuals with MS with severe mobility disability due to the limited amount of quality
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Table 1
Study aim
Method/participants Treatment/Intervention/
Quality of evidence
(year) and
Multiple Sclerosis
Hochspung To analyse the
RCT (double-blind)
-During the study period,
No significant differences in walking speed or
et al.
effectiveness of a
none of the participants
cadence were observed between stages in any
(2017) [1]
neuro-physiotherapy 61 patients with mild received other types of
of the groups
-Lack of follow-up and
programme based
to moderate MS
the small size prevent
on feedback cycling
Functional Ambulatory Performance (FAP)
generalisation of
for improving gait in Inclusion criteria: (
Intervention group
- intervention group showed statistically
patients with MS.
referral by
- stationary bicycle with a
significant changes between stages 0 and 1 (
P <
coordination feedback
.014) and between stages 0 and 2 (
P < .002)
2) diagnosis of
programme to work on lower - no such differences were observed in the
definite MS
limb strength asymmetry
control group
only in FAP and stride
according to the
using 75% of the maximum
McDonald criteria at
Stride length
least 2 years
- one 30-minute session per
- significant differences in stride length
-12 sessions not enough
week for 3 months using the
between stages 0 and 2 (
P < .001) and between for long term results
3) EDSS score
MOTOmed Viva2 Movement
stages 1 and 2 (
P < .002)
between 2 and 6
- controls only displayed significant differences -Results show that
4) age between 20
- personalised exercise
in stride length between stages 0 and 2 (
P <
visual biofeedback
and 70 years; (
programme to be completed
cycling training
clinical stability
at home
may be a viable,
during the 3 months
effective treatment in
previous to
Control group
patients with MS but
recruitment; (
6) no
- personalised exercise
larger studies are
cognitive impairment programme to be completed
according to the
at home
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Mini-Mental State
Barclay et
To evaluate the
Randomised Trial
Clinic setting
15 intervention and 9 control
al. (2019)
feasibility of a
progressive, four
not powered to show
APT group (intervention): - 30 -Improvements were noted in the majority of
-Small sample
week lower limb
min of APT cycling (2 min
outcome measures, although no statistically
-Very few clinical or
cycling programme
significant changes
passive warm up, 26 min
significant group differences were found.
significant effects
active passive
active cycling and 2 min
-Intervention group also
trainers (APT's) on
passive cool down)
-The average power output, distance cycled
underwent usual care
(a) Confirmed
-20 sessions (Five days per
and speed improved in the intervention
so difficult to separate
diagnosis of MS, (b)
week for four weeks in
group but this did not translate to statistical
effects of the
fitness, function and aged over 18, (c)
addition to usual care)
changes in the outcome measures.
intervention from the
quality of life in
expanded Disability
intensive therapy
people with
Status Scale (EDSS) of
Usual care:
-lack of objective change in spasticity
moderate to severe
between 6.0 and 8.5. Individualised therapy
programme, delivered
-Improved walking speed in 7/16 participants in
Monday to Friday, and could
the intervention group compared to 2 in the
(a) Significant
include PT, OT, SLT and
impairment, (b) co-
Improvements were shown across both
morbidities which
physical health (PH) and mental health (MH). ES
would preclude them
= 0.93 intervention and 0.46 control
taking part in
exercise, (c) visual
Medium effect in intervention (0.36) for
Impairment, (d)
cardiovascular health and negligible (0.07) for
unable to be seated
appropriately in a
wheelchair for 30
Scally et al. To systematically
Systematic Review
Intervention duration ranged
Cardiorespiratory performance
(2020) [3]
examine the
between 2 and 24 weeks
outcomes of people
(1) human
Functional performance
Low quality (study
with MS with
participants with
8 studies in clinic setting
-No significant changes in 2-min walk test, 25-
design and sample
mobility impairment definite diagnosis of
1 in home
foot walk test, 10m walk test or 12 item MS
sizes) of the literature
walking scale
base precludes any
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FES cycling (2) aged 18 years and Average 2-3 sessions per
definitive conclusions
Musculoskeletal outcomes
regarding the efficacy of
(3) average EDSS 6.0
-No improvement in lower body strength (knee FES cycle training in
or above, or an
Min 10-60 minutes per
and hip parameters)
equivalent mobility
- Significant reduction in spasticity directly post cardiovascular health in
MS and higher EDSS
(4) evaluate FES
- No long term improvements in spasticity
cycling as an
intervention study
Psychological outcomes
RCT’s did not blind
-No improvement in QOL or mental health
participants or
5 pre-post studies
providers and not
with no control
sufficient power to
group, 2 randomised
Adverse events
detect a difference.
controlled trials
10 adverse events reported across studies
(RCTs), 1
including skin irritation, increased spasticity,
FES cycle training
retrospective study
bowel dysfunction and fatigue
appears to be well
and 1 case study.
tolerated in MS with
mobility impairment,
with no serious adverse
Pilutti et al. Summary of the
Systematic Review
Safety and tolerability
(2019) [4]
current evidence for
-Preliminary evidence supports the safety and
FES cycling as an
Acute and chronic
-Durations ranged between 2 tolerability of FES cycling exercise
limited but promising
exercise training
FES cycling as an
and 24 weeks
evidence for the
modality in persons
exercise modality in
Acute effects
application of FES
with MS
persons with MS
-Sessions delivered 2–3×/
-Studies support the potential for modification
cycling exercise among
week for between 10 and 60
persons with MS who
8 included studies,
muscle spasticity, cycling kinematics, and
have moderate-to-
only 1 RCT
cardiorespiratory metabolism with
severe disability.
-Stimulation parameters for
single sessions of FES cycling
Samples were small
most trials involved a pulse
- Acute benefits may, with chronic exposure to
High-quality RCTs of FES
(n = 1–14)
width of 200–300 μ sec at a
FES cycling, result in long-term adaptations
cycling exercise are now
frequency of 20–50 Hz and a
needed to establish the
participants had
cycling cadence of 10–50 rpm. Chronic effects
safety and efficacy of
-All stimulated the
- potential for strength adaptations with
this promising modality
quadriceps, hamstrings, and
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gluteal muscle groups, with
FES cycling likely depends on the specific
for people living with
disability (EDSS range the exception of one trial
muscle groups that are peripherally
reported = 4.0–7.5).
- changes in body composition in response to
FES cycling exercise in persons
with MS are unclear
- no effect of FES
cycling delivered between 2 and 24 weeks on
-No improvements in QOL
-High levels of participant satisfaction
To conduct a
Systematic Review
Clinic and Home
54 included studies
Cheung et
systematic review of
al. (2013)
Both randomised and -Ergometer
There was consistent and strong evidence that
-More than half of
surrounding the
-Technogym equipment
aerobic and resistance exercise performed 2
included studies were
effects of
studies included (29
-Resistance training with
times per week at a moderate intensity
RCTs of moderate-high
training on physical
high level RCT)
increases physical capacity and muscular
fitness, mobility,
strength, respectively. While the evidence
fatigue, and Health
Diagnosis of MS
-Static bike
supporting the benefits of exercise on mobility
related quality of life (mild-moderate)
-Plyometric exercises
and fatigue is promising, there is insufficient
in adults with
Focus on: fitness,
evidence to definitively establish the
multiple sclerosis
mobility, fatigue or
prescriptive amounts, intensities, or types of
health related quality -Stretching
exercise to improve these outcomes. There is
of life benefits
not enough good-quality evidence to date
supporting the benefits of exercise for
improving HRQOL outcomes.
There is no evidence that electrical
stimulation-assisted cycling is effective for
increasing strength.
Edwards et Provide a summary
Systematic Review
conventional exercise training Further research is necessary to determine the
al. (2017)
of the potential
(aerobic and resistance
most efficacious and effective exercise
benefits of
randomized and
exercise) (n= 5)
approaches for individuals with
-Small samples
training in persons
MS with severe mobility disability due to the
with MS with severe controlled trials, and
limited amount of quality evidence.
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mobility disability,
pre-post intervention body-weight support
-Mixed results across all
and a future
treadmill training (BWSTT) (n=
Conventional exercise training
outcomes for al
research agenda for
- no statistically significant improvements in
treatment types
developing effective Diagnosis of MS
any of the outcomes
strategies for
(severe mobility
total-body recumbent stepper
heterogeneity led to
managing disability
training (TBRST) (n = 1)
Conventional resistance exercise training
inability to perform
through exercise
-Significant improvements in muscular
Functional clectrical
strength, muscle endurance, balance, fatigue
stimulation assisted cycling (n symptoms, and QOL when combined with
= 5)
neuromuscular electrical stimulation
-Low level evidence
Bodyweight support treadmil training
-Mixed results (some positive others no
change) across outcomes on level of disability,
knee extensor strength, walking, endurance,
walking speed, gait kinematics, balance and
agility, fatigue, QOL
Total body recumbent stepper training (one
-No change in disability or physical function
-Symptoms of fatigue were significantly
reduced after the intervention
Electrical stimulation assisted cycling
(functional electrical stimulation (FES) and
neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)
- Two studies reported significant
improvements in physical fitness assessed as
thigh circumference and muscle oxygen
consumption (mVO2)
-No significant improvements in physical
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-Mixed evidence for the effects of ESAC on
spasticity, walking speed, and other
participatory outcomes
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1.2 Spinal Cord Injury
1.2.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer
Phadke et al. (2019) [7] performed a systematic review to assess the effectiveness of
passive leg cycling interventions on cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and musculoskeletal
outcomes post spinal cord injury (SCI).
Devices utilised in included studies: Ergo-Dom, FNS leg cycle, ERGYS 1 leg cycle, Sevo-
dynamically controlled recumbent ergometer and MOTOmed cycle.
Intervention duration
Single intervention:
5 to 100 minutes per session
Multiple sessions - frequency of the exercise sessions ranged from one to three times per
day, 20 to 90 minutes per session, 2 to 6 days per week, and 6 to 12 weeks total duration
-Two included RCTs reported significant benefits of multiple sessions of passive cycling on
cardiovascular (improved leg blood flow velocity),
musculoskeletal (improved joint range of
motion and markers of muscle hypertrophy), and
neurological outcomes (improved
spasticity and reflex excitability)
-No clear picture emerged with single session studies, with about half the studies showing a
statistically significant improvement in acute responses in
cardiovascular (blood flow
velocity) and
neurological outcomes (short interval intra-cortical inhibition and spasticity),
while the rest reported no change.
Quality – Medium
Only 11 included studies of which only 2 were RCT. More evidence is required to understand
the best parameters for single and multiple sessions of passive cycling.
1.2.2 FES cycling
Multiple literature and systematic reviews have been conducted relating to FES cycling as a
treatment for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) [8-11]. Two were of higher quality and
will be summarised here [8, 9]. The remaining two were low quality narrative/literature
reviews [10, 11] and can be found in Table 2.
1) Alashram et al. (2020) [8] investigated the effects of the FES-cycling on the lower
extremities spasticity in patients with SCI and found:
• Significant reduction in Modified Ashworth Scale (assess muscle tone and level of
spasticity) and Numerical-Rating-Scale spasticity scores (reduce spasticity) after FES-
cycling post-treatment, and at three and six months fol ow ups (P < 0.05).
• Intervention details were not reported in some of the selected studies so unable to
identify the treatment effect size and the effective treatment protocol
Quality – Medium
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Several low quality studies included due to the paucity of evidence. Small sample sizes and
heterogeneity of studies meant a meta-analysis was not conducted.
2) Thomaz et al. (2019) [9] evaluated the effect of electrical stimulation (ES) on skeletal
muscle volume and spasticity in individuals with SCI, however, only results for FES
cycling were retrieved.
- Intervention: 30-45 minutes, 3-4x per week
- Overall effect on muscle volume was statistical y significant in patients with acute
SCI (mean difference: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.04 to 1.69; p < 0.04).
- Non-significant (mean difference: 0.55; 95% CI: −0.31 to 1.41; p = 0.21) effect for
spasticity of the lower limb.
Quality – High
High quality RCTs
1.2.3 Conventional Exercise Training Programs
Hicks et al. (2011) [12] conducted a systematic review of evidence surrounding the effects of
exercise on physical fitness in people with SCI. Broad range of study types included covering
resistance training, arm ergometry, wheelchair exercise and FES, step training and strength
Intervention: Al studies performed the desired intervention 2-5x a week, over a range of 5-
12 weeks (one study performed over 26 weeks)
Overall, Exercise is effective in increasing physical capacity and muscular strength among
people with chronic SCI. There is no evidence to suggest that exercise is harmful to this
See Table 2 for outcomes on Power Output, Aerobic capacity, Muscle strength, Body weight,
Muscle mass Wheelchair propulsion and skil s, Walking and Standing across intervention
Quality – Medium
Inclusion of very low quality (level 5) studies may impact results. Although results were
relatively consistent across studies.
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Table 2
Study aim
Quality of
(year) and
Spinal Cord Injury
Phadke et
To assess the
Cycling training
Outcome measures used to assess the effects of cycling
al. (2019).
effectiveness of
passive leg
-Two RCTs reported significant benefits of multiple sessions of passive
Evidence from
Single intervention: cycling on
cardiovascular (improved leg blood flow velocity),
this systematic
passive leg
5 to 100 minutes
musculoskeletal (improved joint range of motion and markers of muscle
review indicates
per session
hypertrophy), and
neurological outcomes (improved spasticity and reflex
that multiple
cardiovascular, prospectively in
sessions of
neuromuscular, adult
Multiple sessions -
-No clear picture emerged with single session studies, with about half the
passive leg
frequency of the
studies showing a statistically significant improvement in acute responses
cycling showed
musculoskeleta (age ≥18 years)
exercise sessions
cardiovascular (blood flow velocity) and
neurological outcomes (short
some form of
l outcomes post with SCI
ranged from one to interval intra-cortical inhibition and spasticity), while the rest reported no
SCI, and to
three times per
changes across
11 included
day, 20 to 90
-The studies reviewed here showed a diversity of cycling protocols and
minutes per
outcomes across multiple body systems.
duration, and
(2 RCT, 1 cross-
session, 2 to 6 days
and neurological
type of passive over trial, 8 pre- per week, and 6 to
leg cycling post post)
12 weeks total
-More evidence
is required to
Devices used
understand the
Ergo-Dom, FNS leg
best parameters
cycle, ERGYS 1 leg
for single and
cycle, Sevo-
multiple sessions
of passive
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Motomed cycle
No intervention,
FES cycling, resting,
Active + FES cycling,
to investigate
See note on
-The selected studies demonstrated a significant
et al.
the effects of
intervention details reduction in the Modified Ashworth Scale (assess muscle tone and level of
(2020) [9]
the FES-cycling
spasticity) and Numerical-Rating-Scale spasticity scores (reduce spasticity)
-2 high quality
on the lower
- individuals
outcome/summary after FES-cycling post-treatment, and at three and six months follow ups
studies but
(P < 0.05).
remaining were
spasticity in
low-quality and
patients with
-Comparison study found significant reduction in the spasticity in the
included due to
experimental FES-cycling group (P = 0.02) than in the standard care control the paucity of
published about
-One reported AE relating to an increase in spasticity and a bowel accident this issue.
2 randomised
cross-over trials
-Intervention details were not reported in some
-Small samples
6 pilot studies
of the selected studies such as: frequency of treatment, treatment time
2 cohort studies
period, session duration, number of electrodes, pulse type, type of FES-
- Heterogeneity
cycling system, pulse width, frequency, and RPM. So unable to identify the
of studies meant
161 total
treatment effect size and the effective treatment protocol.
a meta-analysis
was not
Thomaz et
Evaluate the
Treatment (relating ES is effective at promoting a discrete, but significant increase in skeletal
al. (2019)
effect of
Review and
to FES cycling
muscle volume in patients with SCI with a subsequent reduction in atrophy
and an effect on muscle volume that is similar in patients with complete
studies included
stimulation (ES)
and incomplete injuries.
in this meta-
on skeletal
Only RCT
30 minutes 3x per
analysis were
muscle volume included
-ES on muscle volume of the lower limbs, the overall effect was statistically homogeneous
and spasticity
significant in patients with acute SCI (mean difference: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.04 to and evaluated a
in individuals
Patients with
30-45 minutes 4x
1.69; p < 0.04).
per week
number of
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spinal cord
Intervention =
-ES for spasticity of the lower limb, the overall effect was non-significant
(mean difference: 0.55; 95% CI: −0.31 to 1.41; p = 0.21).
Comparison =
intervention or
no intervention
7 included
Deley et al. To discuss
Unclear duration,
FES allows the participation of greater muscle mass through hybrid
(2015) [10] some evidence-
dosage etc
exercises (FES–cycling associated with arms ergometer or FES–rowing).
-Lack of
Poor search
These different forms of exercise are associated with major benefits to all
strategy (only
systems of the body—muscular, cardiovascular and pulmonary—and
explanation of
methodological PubMed and
induce important training adaptations when used regularly.
studies included
Google Scholar)
for optimal use
FES appears to be a beneficial and safe method for training in paraplegic
-Narrative review
of FES for
Study types
and no
training in
included are not
FES rowing appears to provide the greatest outcomes
attention is
All in clinical
-Poor outcome
given to the
reporting or
comparison of
the different
FES methods
Mayson et
To review the
FES cycling is safe for youth with SCI
al. (2014)
evidence on
included FES
FES cycling
cycling, Passive leg
Based on RCT: FES cycling can positively influence
Due to the
intervention in <21 years with
cycling and ES only
VO2, as wel as quadriceps muscle strength and
limited number
youth with SCI
Volume. However, ES alone may be more beneficial in reducing cholesterol of intervention
5 studies
levels and increasing thigh muscle volume
6 included
performed 1 hour
five of which
sessions 3x/ week
involved the
for 6 months
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-4 RCT (one
same small
study spread
1 study 30 minutes
across 4
sessions 3x/ week
it is impossible to
for 9 months
-1 case series
-1 prospective
FES cycling
parameters for
case series
use of FES cycling
-Applied to:
in children and
Total 40
adolescents with
hamstrings, gluteal
-Frequency: 33 Hz
-Pulse duration:
200, 250 or 300 μs
-Amplitude: <140
by 0.14 nm to
50 rpm
Hicks et al. To conduct a
Include at least one
Power Output
(2011) [12] systematic
of the fitness
Combined resistance and arm ergometry exercise:
review of
measures below:
-Level 1 and 4 studies have shown the combination
Exercise is
Physical activity -strength, oxygen
of resistance and aerobic training to improve
effective in
or exercise
uptake/consumptio power output of the upper limbs.
the effects of
n, power output,
Benefits when performed 2-3x per week over 12 weeks
physical capacity
exercise on
intervention in
peak work capacity,
and muscular
physical fitness persons
body composition,
Wheelchair exercise:
strength among
in people with
diagnosed with
This single level 4 study showed non-significant
people with
spinal cord
an SCI
performance or
improvements in upper limb power output.
chronic SCI.
injury (SCI).
(paraplegia or
Aerobic capacity
There is no
Arm ergometry exercise:
evidence to
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69 included studies -All level 4 studies, arm ergometry has been
suggest that
Case studies,
on chronic SCI
shown to be very effective in improving aerobic capacity.
exercise is
-3x per week showed benefits after 5 weeks
harmful to this
and quasi
Wheelchair ergometry exercise:
designs were
-Level 4 and 5 studies. Most show improvements in aerobic capacity
following 3x per week training for as little as 4 weeks.
Combined resistance and arm ergometry exercise:
-Level 4 trials produced conflicting results; two studies (one level 4 study,
and the RCT) showed significant improvement in aerobic capacity fol owing
training 3x per week for 7 and 12 weeks, while the other (level 4 study)
showed no improvement fol owing 3x per week training for 6 weeks.
Resistance training exercise:
-Although resistance training is not traditionally
used to improve aerobic capacity, a single level 4 study
yielded significant improvements in aerobic
capacity. Further, the magnitude of improvement
was comparable to that seen in most other exercise
Functional electrical stimulation:
- In these level 4 and 5 studies, FES exercise has shown to be very effective
in improving aerobic capacity in as little as 4–6 weeks.
-Exercise schedule 2-3x per week is sufficient for improvement.
Muscle strength
Combined resistance and arm ergometry exercise:
- Level 4, pre–post training studies consistently show
that participation in any form of exercise training that ‘overloads’ the
muscle will result in increases in muscle strength.
-Training frequencies of 3x per week, the level 1
RCT demonstrated significant improvements in
muscle strength with a frequency of 2x per week.
-Training intensities ranged between 50–80% 1RM.
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Functional electrical stimulation:
-Level 4, pre–post training studies utilizing FES show
that muscle strength can significantly increase in
the paralyzed muscles
-3x per week over 8 weeks of training
-There is level 1 evidence that FES-assisted arm ergometry training is more
effective in improving triceps strength than arm ergometry alone.
Body weight
Resistance and aerobic exercise:
All of these level 4 studies reported non-significant
increases or decreases in body weight and utilized
a training frequency of 3_ per week with an
intensity ranging from 40 to 80% max. HR.
Functional electrical stimulation
-Level 4 studies reported non-significant increases or decreases in body
-Frequency of training was 3-5x per week.
Muscle mass
Resistance exercise
-One level 4 study of vibration exercise reported
significant increases in fat free mass with training
-5x per week for 12 weeks
-No other significant changes in lean tissue mass were reported.
Functional electrical stimulation:
A level 2 study reported significant increases in
quadriceps cross-sectional area with a treadmill
training frequency of 2x per week for 26 weeks.
Wheelchair propulsion and skil s
Resistance and aerobic exercise:
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-Significant improvements in maximum power output during wheelchair
propulsion were reported
-Most studies trained 3x per week, at moderate–heavy intensities.
Step training:
-Findings were mixed. Most found significant improvements in overground
walking following body weight supported treadmill training (BWSTT) both
with and without FES.
-Changes in treadmill training parameters emerged in most, but not all
studies, depending on the parameters measured.
-Training ranged from 2 -5x per week; intensity varied
considerably and was often individually determined.
Strength training
-Improvements in overground walking (significance not reported) were
noted after 12 weeks of training, 2–3x per week at 70–85% of 1RM.
Step training:
This level 5 study showed progressive BWSTT,
3x per week, led to improvements in the ability to stand with a walker.
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1.3 Stroke
1.3.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer
1) A systematic review investigating the effectiveness of the MOTOmed trainer was
performed by Shen et al. (2018) [13]. Al included studies were RCTs and a total of 1099
participants were recruited.
Intervention duration
- 20 minutes in 11 studies
- 30 minutes in 6 studies
- 40 minutes in 1
- Unclear in 1 study
- Average 1-2 times per day and 5-7 days per week
- Over 4 to 12 weeks
Al studies compared conventional rehabilitation to MotoMed + conventional rehabilitation.
- MOTOmed movement therapy effectively improves mobility and activities of daily living in
stroke patients with hemiplegia.
- Fugl-Meyer Assessment (assess motor functioning, balance, sensation and joint
Z = 7.33,
P < 0.0001
-Modified Ashworth Scale (muscle tone)
Z = 9.19,
P < 0.00001
-Berg Balance Scale
Z = 8.39,
P < 0.00001
- Functional Ambulation Category
Z = 9.61,
P < 0.00001
-10m walk test
Z = 4.49,
P < 0.00001
-Barthel Index (activities of daily living)
Z = 15.6,
P < 0.00001
Quality – High
Consistent findings across al included RCTs
2) A narrative literature review of the efficacy and safety of passive exercise interventions
was conducted by Brenner (2018) [14].
Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) and Motorized-
cycle ergometers were reviewed.
CPM exercise
-Can significantly reduce physiological symptoms such as oedema, muscle stiffness and/or
-Shoulder joint stability can be increased fol owing 4 weeks of training, 5 × /week/ 25 min
per session (plus warm-up and cool-down)
Motorised-cycle ergometers
-Duration of training programs ranged from 3 to 5 weeks
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-Improvements in motor control, trunk stability and cognition were reported fol owing this
type of passive exercise training
-Regular passive arm exercise led to an increase in the range of motion in the affected arm
- No standard protocols or best practice guidelines exist for either modality in stroke
Quality – Low
Smal number of included studies of moderate-low quality. More information is required on
the type of device, the frequency and duration of each exercise session as wel as the
intensity and how long the therapy should be continued (i.e., length of treatment).
1.3.2 FES cycling
1) A high quality systematic review by Shariat et al. (2019) [15] has investigated the
effectiveness of different protocols of cycling with/without FES on functional mobility after
Intervention: Cycling with/without FES to the lower limbs
- Frequency: 1 to 7 sessions per week
- Session length: 10 to 90 minutes
- Duration of interventions: 3 to 16 weeks (for cycling alone 3–72 weeks and for
cycling with FES about 4 weeks)
-Total dose of the stimulation: between 4 and 16 hours.
Comparison: cycling alone, cycling with FES, control, placebo, or other interventions
Outcomes: Balance, walking speed, mobility
Study design: Al included studies were RCTs
• Walking speed: Effect size (ES) 0.30 (95% CI, 0.05 – 0.55) P <0.02
• Walking ability: ES 0.41 (95% CI, 0.11 – 0.71) P <0.007
• Cycling vs control on balance: ES 0.32; 95% CI, 0.06 – 0.57, P <0.01
• Cycling with FES vs control on balance: ES 1.48; 95% CI, 0.99 –1.97,
P < 0.00001
Quality – High
-Cycling with FES has a significant and positive effect on balance compared to cycling
without FES
-Additional studies are needed comparing FES cycling directly with other modalities of
exercise such as balance training, strength training, power training or combinations to
determine its relative efficacy
-No outcomes for functional mobility such as fal s and fal -related injuries
2) An additional RCT comparing a standard rehabilitation program to MOTOmed cycle + FES
and found that the intervention and control group both improved on al outcome measures,
however, the intervention group had significantly less shoulder pain. Full summary of the
study by Karaahmet et al. (2018) [16] can be found in Table 3.
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Table 3
Study aim
Treatment/Intervention/S Outcome/summary
Quality of evidence
(year) and
Shen et al.
To estimate the
Systematic Review
Duration of MotoMed
The main finding of this systematic review
(2018) [13] effectiveness of
and meta-analysis is that MOTOmed
Only RCTs included (all
- 20 minutes in 11 studies
movement therapy effectively improves
Inclusion of only
movement therapy
performed in China)
- 30 minutes in 6 studies
mobility and activities of daily living in stroke
RCTs. Consistent
in increasing
- 40 minutes in 1
patients with hemiplegia.
findings across all
mobility and
19 Trials including 1099
- Unclear in 1 study
activities of daily
Significant effects in favour of Motomed for:
living in stroke
- 1-2 times per day and 5-7 - Fugl-Meyer Assessment (assess motor
patients with
Stroke with hemiplegia
days per week
functioning, balance, sensation and joint
- Lasting 4 to 12 weeks
functioning )
Z = 7.33,
P < 0.0001
Age range 46.5-83.4
All studies compared
-Modified Ashworth Scale (muscle tone)
Z =
P < 0.00001
rehabilitation to MotoMed
+ conventional
-Berg Balance Scale
Z = 8.39,
P < 0.00001
- Functional Ambulation Category
Z = 9.61,
< 0.00001
-10m walk test
Z = 4.49,
P < 0.00001
-Barthel Index (activities of daily living)
Z =
P < 0.00001
To investigate the
Literature Review
See results/outcomes
CPM exercise
(2018) [14] efficacy and safety
-Can significantly reduce physiological
of passive exercise
1. Continuous Passive Motion
symptoms such as oedema, muscle stiffness
interventions for
and/or spasticity.
search strategy.
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patients with
-Shoulder joint stability can be increased
hemiplegia with a
2. Motorized-cycle
following 4 weeks of training, 5 × /week/ 25
Small number of
focus on those
min per session (plus warm-up and cool-
included studies of
interventions that
could be used in the
home setting
Motorised-cycle ergometers
More information is
-Two studies investigated passive leg-cycle
required on the type
and one on arm ergometer exercise on
of device, the
functional measures
frequency and
-Duration of training programs ranged from 3 duration of each
to 5 weeks
exercise session as
-Improvements in motor control, trunk
well as the intensity
stability and cognition were reported
and how long the
following this type of passive exercise training therapy should be
-Regular passive arm exercise led to an
continued (i.e.,
increase in the range of motion in the
length of
affected arm
--No adverse effects were reported in the
literature, can perform at home
- No standard protocols or best practice
guidelines exist for either modality in stroke
Shariat et
To quantify the
Systematic Review
Frequency: 1 to 7 sessions Walking speed: ES 0.30 (95% CI, 0.05 – 0.55) P
al. (2019)
effectiveness of
per week
different protocols
1. Participants: Human
-Literature suggests
of cycling
subjects post-stroke (Adults
Session length: 10 to 90
that more studies
≥18 within 5 years after
Walking ability: ES 0.41 (95% CI, 0.11 – 0.71) P are needed
functional electrical
comparing FES
stimulation on
2. Intervention: Cycling
Duration of interventions:
cycling directly with
functional mobility
with/without functional
3 to 16 weeks (for cycling
Cycling vs control on balance: ES 0.32; 95% CI, other modalities of
after stroke.
electrical stimulation (FES) to
alone 3–72 weeks and for
0.06 – 0.57, P <0.01
exercise such as
the lower limbs
cycling with FES about 4
balance training,
3. Comparison: cycling alone,
Cycling with FES vs control on balance: ES
strength training,
cycling with FES,
1.48; 95% CI, 0.99 –1.97,
P < 0.00001
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control, placebo, or other
Total dose of the
power training or
stimulation between 4 and Long term effects and the most effective
4. Outcomes: Balance,
16 hours.
protocols are unclear due to study
to determine its
walking speed, mobility
relative efficacy
5. Study design:
-Electrical stimulation
clinical trial
varied across studies as
-Cycling is superior
the frequency ranged from
to control for
14 trials including 680
improving walking
participants who completed
to 60 Hz and pulse width
speed, walking
final fol ow up
from 300 to 450 ms.
ability, and balance.
Mean age 42.5 to 85 years
control intervention
-Cycling with FES has
- 10 studies used sham
a significant and
positive effect on
- 4 studies participants
balance compared
received no stimulation
to cycling without
-Although more
research is needed,
patients post stroke
with lower limb
disability could use
cycling with FES as
part of their
-No outcomes for
functional mobility
such as falls and fal -
related injuries
Karaahmet To determine the
-Both groups were trained The only significant finding was that severity
et al.
effects of FES-cycling
with a standard
of shoulder pain decreased in the FES-cycling
(2018) [16] on shoulder pain and
rehabilitation program
group compared to the control
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subluxation, and
-Age between 18 and 80
(range of motion,
Insufficient sample
secondarily to
years, -First stroke
stretching and
All other measures improved significantly
size to observe the
evaluate the
strengthening exercises)
between baseline and post-test for both
effects of FES
improvement of
Exclusion: sensory aphasia,
intervention and control groups
upper extremity
recurrent stroke or bilateral
-5x a week lasting 30 min
motor function in
hemiplegia, vasomotor
patients with
instability, lower motor
-20 sessions
neuron disorder, limitation/
instability/dislocation of the
Intervention group
shoulder joints, severe
- Motomed cycle-
spasticity, and uncontrol ed
ergometer used
- Surface electrodes
applied to anterior and the
21 participants (12
posterior deltoid, biceps,
intervention, 9 control)
and triceps muscles
- Pulse width of 300 μs
and a stimulation
frequency of 20 Hz
- 5-min warm-up of
passive cycling, a 15-min
training of FES-cycling, and
a 5-min cool-down of
passive cycling
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1.4 Parkinson’s disease
1.4.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer
A literature review summarising the state of the evidence of
forced exercise's impact on
individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been conducted by Miner et al (2020) [17].
Included studies utilised MOTOmed, Theracycle or a Tandem Bike.
- On average, the intervention was delivered;
• 3 times per week
• 5-10 minute warm up at an average pedalling rate of 40-50 rpm
• 30-40 minute forced exercise session (average 80-90 rpm)
• 5-10 minute cool down
• Over 8-12 weeks
Acute effects
- Forced exercise has the potential to cause similar therapeutic effects as antiparkinsonian
medication to improve motor symptoms of PD.
- Last for up to 48hr
Effects on motor function
-Best when used to treat rigidity, bradykinesia, and tremor
Physical fitness
-Muscular strength improved by>30% in the upper and lower body (only one study)
Mobility performance
-difficult to draw conclusions on the effects of forced exercise on mobility performance in
individuals with PD as most of the results were confounded by a ceiling effect in the
outcome measures selected
Incorporating forced exercise as an adjunctive treatment could provide significant added
benefit to task specific training, or gait and balance training for individuals with PD.
Clinical recommendations summary comparing Tandem cycling to MotoMed (or equivalent)
can be found in Figure 1.
Quality – Moderate
- Various methodological flaws which limit the generalizability
-longer term follow-up studies with larger sample sizes are needed to inform the ability of
forced exercise to alter the trajectory of PD
1.4.2 FES cycling
There is a paucity of research in this area. Findings from a single subject design study [18] can be
found in Table 4. No conclusions can be drawn from the findings provided.
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Table 4
Study aim
Method/participants Treatment/Intervention Outcome/summary
Quality of evidence
(year) and
Parkinson’s Disease
Miner at
to summarize the
Treatment frequency
Clinical recommendations summary comparing Tandem
state of the evidence
- 3 times per week
cycling to MotoMed (or equivalent) can be found in
forced exercise's
Unclear what the
- 5-10 minute warm up
Figure 1 below)
-Small numbers
impact on
search methodology
at an average pedalling
of patients
individuals with PD
was for this review.
rate of 40-50 rpm
Incorporating forced exercise as an adjunctive
- Include studies had
and to determine
No methods section
- 30-40 minute forced
treatment could provide significant added benefit to
the utility of this
exercise session (average task specific training, or gait and balance training for
intervention in the
Single subject, RCT,
80-90 rpm)
individuals with PD.
flaws which limit the
clinical decision
- 5-10 minute cool down
making for this
-Duration 8-12 weeks
Acute effects
patient population.
-Forced exercise has the potential to cause similar
-longer term follow-
therapeutic effects as antiparkinsonian medication to
up studies with
Tandem Bike
improve motor symptoms of PD.
larger sample sizes
-Last for up to 48hr
are needed to
inform the ability of
Effects on motor function
forced exercise to
-highlights the importance of individuals being actively
alter the trajectory
engaged in the
of disease
exercise intervention
progression related
-Best when used to treat rigidity,
to motor function
bradykinesia, and tremor
Physical fitness
-Muscular strength improved by>30% in the upper and
lower body (only one study)
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Mobility performance
-difficult to draw conclusions on the effects of forced
exercise on
mobility performance in individuals with PD as most of
the results were
confounded by a ceiling effect in the outcome measures
Bellman et provides the results
Case study
Results suggest that FES-assisted cycling using the
Very Low
al. (2016)
of an experiment
-stationary, recumbent
developed switched control er may improve the ability
conducted with one
Four able-bodied
exercise cycle
of people with PD to track a desired cadence
Only one participant
subject with PD to
male subjects 25–27
(AudioRider R400,
with PD. Only
establish feasibility
years old were
outcome measure is
of FES-assisted
cycling in this
from the University
of Florida,
-Frequency was fixed at
and one male subject 60 Hz
additional testing
with PD, 60 years old,
beyond the scope of
with a modified
Gluteal, quadriceps
this paper is needed
Hoehn and Yahr
femoris, and hamstrings
to determine clinical
disability score of 2.5
muscle groups
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1.5 Cerebral Palsy
1.5.1 MOTOmed and/or Active Passive Trainer
A single high quality, well powered RCT has been conducted by Damiano et al. (2017) [19].
The aim was to quantify and compare the effectiveness of a motor-assisted cycle
(MOTOmed) and a novel alternative (elliptical), in cerebral palsy (CP) to improve inter-limb
reciprocal coordination.
Devices were randomised to participants and delivered to their homes
-Instructed to exercise above 40 rpm for 20 minutes, 5 days a week for 12 weeks.
-Device cadence at self-selected and fast speeds for all participants improved markedly and
significantly as a result of training
-No significant changes were seen in gait speed for time or group, nor did parent-reported
functional mobility
-Knee extensor strength increased in both
Quality – Medium
Single study but excel ent sample size with positive findings. Training dose provided likely
insufficient for maximum results.
1.5.2 FES cycling
Several case studies and pilot work has been conducted on the feasibility and benefits of FES cycling
in CP [20-22].
• Duration: most commonly used 30 minutes at a time for 3 times a week
• FES applied to the bilateral quadriceps and/or hamstrings
• One delivered intervention in the participants home [22]
• Positive results for Modified Ashworth scale (MAS), cadence, power output, and
heart rates, quadriceps and hamstring strength, Timed “Up & Go” .
• Participants were able to tolerate the application of FES and complete testing
Quality – Low to Very Low
No control groups. Very smal sample (total of 5 participants).
1.5.3 Conventional Exercise Training Programs
The impact of resistance training on the motor functions of children with CP has been investigated in
a systematic review and meta-analysis by Collado-Garrido et al (2019) [23].
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Outcome measures
• Gross Motor Function Measure
• Lateral Step Up
• Time Up and Go
• Mobility Questionnaire
• Large effect of 0.75 (95% CI 0.41-1.08) for duration ≤6 weeks compared to 7-12
• Large effect of 1.08 (95% CI = 0.52 to 1.64) when duration was less than 30 minutes
compared to 30-60 minutes and 60-90 minutes
• Large effect for fewer than three days a week. 1.59 (95% CI = 0.67 to 2.50),
compared to studies with sessions applied three days a week
• Larger effect when using the “functional exercises” protocol. 1.25 (95% CI = 0.46 to
Quality – High
Majority RCT of high quality. Statistically significant positive effect on motor function in
favour of the use of resistance therapy in weakened musculature in children with CP
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Table 5
Study aim
Quality of
(year) and
Cerebral Palsy
Damiano et To quantify and
assigned device
Device cadence at self-selected and fast speeds for all participants,
al. (2017)
was delivered
improved markedly and significantly as a result of
effectiveness of a
27 children with to their home, and
Single study
motor-assisted cycle bilateral spastic they were
and a novel
CP, and a mean instructed to
No significant changes were seen
Positive across
alternative, an
age of 10.3
exercise above
in gait speed for time or group, nor did parent-reported functional
both groups
elliptical, in CP to
40 rpm for 20
improve inter-limb
minutes, 5 days a
Training dose is
Reached power week for 12 weeks. Knee extensor strength increased in both
through intensive
Each participant
speed-focused leg
was tested 3 times
at 3-month
Peng et al.
Review FES cycling
Case study
-FES sequentially
-Preliminary results showed all measured MAS scores decreased after
Very low
(2010) [20] system; the
applied to the
FES cycling
therapeutic benefits 3 children with
bilateral quadriceps
The results
of FESCE in subjects
quadriplegic CP and hamstrings to
implied that FES
with SCI; clinical
(mean age 3
achieve a rhythmic
cycling might
efficacy of FES in
pedaling motion.
acutely alleviate
subjects with stroke;
-30 minutes, 3x per
a pilot study of
conditions of
FESCE in subjects
-Exercise protocol
children with CP.
with cerebral palsy
based on the
muscle status of
Will only review CP
their lower limbs
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-Gradual increase in
Ashworth scale
(MAS), leg drop
pendulum test, and
were conducted
pre and post-test
Harrington to adapt methods
Pilot study
-All participants were able to tolerate the application of FES and
et al.
and assess the
quadriceps muscles complete testing
(2012) [21] feasibility of
were stimulated
applying FES cycling
during the limb
-FES-assisted cycling resulted in increased cadence, power output, and
technology in
(2 male) with
extension phase of heart rates and decreased variability in cycling performance compared
spastic CP
the cycling
with volitional cycling without FES assistance.
with CP, determine
between the
methods of
ages of 12–14
-2–4 sessions with
performing cycling
at least 24 hours
tests in adolescents
(mean 13
± 1.2
of rest between
with CP, and
cycling sessions and
evaluate the
with all testing
immediate effects of tricycle-based
occurring within a
FES assistance on
system (a sport two-week period
cycling performance. tricycle
for each participant
-Target for the
constant load test
mounted on a
was set at 80% of
cycle trainer
the peak power
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Johnston et describes the effects
Mixed methods -Cycled with FES at -Quadriceps muscle strength improved by 22.2%
Very low
al. (2011)
of cycling with FES
case report
home for 30
(FES cycling) in an
minutes, 3 times
-Hamstring muscle strength improved by 18.5%,
Single case study
per week, for 12
with CP.
man with
-Timed “Up & Go” Test time decreased from 11.9 to 9.0 seconds
Patient made
spastic diplegic
gains in body
Volitional efforts
-Patient reported increased performance and satisfaction for self-
structure and
were augmented
identified goals and his score on the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item function, activity,
by FES of the
Health Survey questionnaire increased from 62.1 to 77.6.
and participation
-Reported increased back pain
gastrocnemius, and
gluteal muscles.
Tested 4 weeks
after withdrawal
To analyse, through
Intervention duration
Garrido et
a meta-analysis of
Review and
strength training”
-Large effect of 0.75 (95% CI 0.41-1.08) for duration ≤6 weeks
al. (2019)
published primary
compared to 7-12 weeks
studies, the impact
of resistance therapy Controlled
-Large effect of 1.08 (95% CI = 0.52 to 1.64) when duration was less
positive effect on
Related to
on the parameters
(randomized or
than 30 minutes compared to 30-60 minutes and 60-90 minutes
motor function
of the motor
static bicycle
in favour of the
training but function in children
-Large effect for fewer than three days a week. 1.59 (95% CI = 0.67 to
use of resistance
not specific with CP
and non-
outcome measure
2.50), compared to studies with sessions applied three days a week
therapy in
-Gross Motor
clinical trials
Function Measure
-larger effect when using the “functional exercises” protocol with an
musculature in
- Lateral Step Up
SMD of 1.25 (95% CI = 0.46 to 2.04)
children with CP
cycling etc.
-Time Up and Go
based on
School-aged CP
patients (≤18
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12 RCT and 3
clinical trials
on as resistance
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