Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Part of the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DFAT

External Affairs, including: relations and communications with overseas governments; treaties, including trade agreements; bilateral, regional and multilateral trade policy; international trade and commodity negotiations; trade promotion; international development co-operation; diplomatic and consular missions; international security issues, including disarmament, arms control and nuclear non-proliferation; public diplomacy, including information and cultural programs; international expositions; provision of secure travel identification to Australian citizens ; provision of consular services to Australian citizens abroad; overseas property management, including acquisition, ownership and disposal of real property.

186 requests

(page 2)

OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Ross   Please find attached statement of reasons in relation to the FOI request, reference LEX3981.   We note that this...
OFFICIAL   FOI ref: LEX5416   Dear R Mather   Thank you for your email to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) dated 26 Apri...
Timeline for child passport processing
Request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by VAS on .

Long overdue.

I applied for a child passport on 11th Feb 2022. As of today, 20th April 2022 l haven't heard anything. I ring your office almost every day. It is th...
OFFICIAL   OFFICIAL   Dear Applicant,   Please find attached correspondence relating to your request for access to documents under the Fre...
Trans Tasman Bubble Framework
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Henry on .

Waiting clarification.

OFFICIAL Dear Henry Please see the attached letter in respect of your application for a waiver of charges. Kind regards Danielle DFAT FOI Team Fr...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Rikas Thank you for your email. Our preliminary inquiries indicate that the department did not publish a Country Information Report...
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Elias Ross on .

Long overdue.

Our reference: RQ21/00515 Agency reference: LEX2731   Mr Elias Ross   Sent by email: [1][FOI #6782 email]        Dear Mr Ross   Tha...
Non-ongoing or Higher Duties staff
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to JanaeBrown on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL FOI Reference: LEX2632   Dear Ms Brown,   Please see attached the outcome of your FOI request, and documents released pursuant to y...
DFAT Overseas Conditions of Service
Internal review request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by George Porter on .

Awaiting internal review.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Foreign...
Documents not available for download from your FOI log or reasoning
Internal review request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Posty on .

Awaiting internal review.

Hope you had a nice Easter. I'd like you to review this internally as per the review rights attached. When reviewing, I would like you to consi...
Impact of Brexit
Request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Abdul Hai on .

Long overdue.

Can you publish any work you have done on the impact of Brexit on Australia? Yours faithfully, Abdul Hai
My personal email is [email address] From there I can send the requested proof of identity. Yours sincerely, Lawrence John Tucker-Gardiner
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr McDonald As advised to you previously, you are not able to seek access to documents of named intelligence agencies pursuant to s...
Please could you provide me with a document/chart that shows how much foreign aid has gone to Papua New Guinea 2007-17 from Australia. If possible...
UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Mr Smith   Please find attached the charges letter in relation to this FOI request.   Yours sincerely   FOI Team Departme...
UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Mr Smith   Please find attached the charges letter in relation to this FOI request.     Yours sincerely   FOI Team Depar...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Guizzardi, I would be grateful if you could confirm that you wish to seek internal review of the Department's decision in this m...
Dear Mr Buchanan   Extension of time request under s 15AB On 24 May 2016, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (the Department) requested...

Waiting clarification.

UNCLASSIFIED   FOI Ref: 1604-F1455 File No: 16/13237 Date: 23 May 2016     Dear Mr Gothe-Snape   Re: Freedom of Information (FOI) Req...
UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Ms Norton   Please find attached correspondence outlining the charges associated with the processing of your FOI request.  ...
This is a request made under the Freedom of Information Act I am seeking access to correspondence between the Treasurer and/or the Treasurer's Office...
FOI Ref: 1502-F1088 File No: 15/11056     Dear Mr Scott H   Preliminary searches for documents relevant to your request have been completed. The...
FOI Ref: 1503-F1103 File No: 15/12233     Dear Mr Palmer   Preliminary searches for documents relevant to your request have been completed. The...
I hereby request, under the Freedom of Information Act (1982), copies of the following documents: a)Any and all of correspondence between the Min...
Dear Jamie Bruce, As you have not responded to the Department's letter of 7 January 2015 notifying you of the intention to refuse your FOI request on...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?