Australian Federal Police

Part of the Attorney-General portfolio and a Federal authority, also called AFP

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

The AFP polices counter terrorism, human trafficking and sexual servitude, cyber-crime and other transnational crimes. It also delivers peace operations in cooperation with local police forces internationally and protection of government facilties including the embassies of foreign countries in Canberra.

196 requests

(page 7)

Driver who hit my vehicle
Response by Australian Federal Police to Marcus Tanti on .

Long overdue.

Thank you for your email. Please note that this is an automated response to confirm that your email was sent to the Australian Federal Police Freedo...
Injured Recruits
Response by Australian Federal Police to Michael on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Michael, In relation to your enquiry, I refer to your email of 16 September 2015 revising the scope of your request whereby you agr...
Online Predators
Response by Australian Federal Police to Nelson Tucker on .

Waiting clarification.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Tucker To enable the AFP to process your request you will need to provide further information about the documents you seek. Sect...
Accident at Beaulkham junction on 13/11/2015
Response by Australian Federal Police to Valerie Leclezio on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Valerie Thank you for your email. Requests for reports about motor vehicle accidents should be made to the ACT Information Access T...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Zenger,   Please find attached our decision in relation to your Freedom of Information request.   Regards,   TANYA...
Gamma International’s FinFisher
Request to Australian Federal Police by Henare Degan. Annotated by Henare Degan on .


This request is mentioned at the end of this article, "NSW Police use hacking software to spy on computers and smartphones: WikiLeaks data" http://ww...
Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran
Response by Australian Federal Police to Markus Pfister on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Pfister Please find attached my decision letter, schedule and documents in relation to this FOI request. I apologise for the del...
UNCLASSIFIED Part 3 of 3   Dear Mr Degan,   Please find attached a copy of AFP decision regarding your Freedom of Information request – CRM2...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Sweeney You re-submitted your request on 11 March 2015 which has been finalised. You were notified of a decision on 1 April 2015...
The Greatest Crime of Ken Jarrett
Response by Australian Federal Police to Phillip Sweeney on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Sweeney Please find attached a decision, schedule and document in relation to your request. Yours sincerely JACQUELINE ELLERY...
Data Retention Briefing
Request to Australian Federal Police by Ben Fairless. Annotated by Henare Degan on .

Partially successful.

The information released in this request was written up in the story, "How the AFP sold Abbott on mandatory data retention" by Josh Taylor: http://ww...
Law Enforcement Requests - Telstra
Follow up sent to Australian Federal Police by Ben Fairless on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Hi Jacqui, Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I think it's best that I withdraw both requests. Yours sincerely, Ben Fairless
Law Enforcement Request - iiNet Limited
Follow up sent to Australian Federal Police by Ben Fairless on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Hi Jacqui, Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I think it's best that I withdraw both requests. Yours sincerely, Ben Fairless
Thank you for your email. Please note that this is an automated response to confirm that your email was sent to the Australian Federal Police FOI in...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Atkinson-James Thank you for your email. It would appear that the documents you seek relate to NSW Policing matters. It is reco...
Australian Terror Action Plan
Response by Australian Federal Police to Jackson Barron on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Barron Thank you for your email. Please note that section 15 of the Freedom of Information Act specifies that you must provide...
For-Official-Use-Only Dear Ms Palmer, Please find attached correspondence from the AFP of today's date in relation to your FOI request. Kind regar...
SEDNode User Guide
Request to Australian Federal Police by Ben Fairless. Annotated by Ben Fairless on .


My rights of review have expired (this was in October 2014) so there isn't a way for me to seek review of the decision. If someone else was to reques...
Illegal Mind Research
Response by Australian Federal Police to Desmond Last on .

Waiting clarification.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Last In order to make a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, section 15(b) requires that you provide such in...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Guzzardi Please find attached a decision in relation to your request for documents concerning the ASADA investigation and Mr Sha...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Guzzardi Please find attached a decision letter in respect to your request concerning Mr Dank. JACQUELINE ELLERY A/COORDINATOR...
Emails from AFP to Apple
Response by Australian Federal Police to Ben Fairless on .


2013/00010435 New Psychoactive Substances
Response by Australian Federal Police to Henare Degan on .


Thank you for your email. Please note that this is an automated response to confirm that your email was sent to the Australian Federal Police FOI in...
Emails from AFP to Google
Response by Australian Federal Police to Ben Fairless on .

Information not held.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Fairless Please find an amended decision in relation to CRM 2015/121. A decision in respect to CRM 2015/126 will be forwarded...
AFP investigation into ASADA / AFL leaks
Response by Australian Federal Police to Vito Guzzardi on .

Information not held.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Guzzardi Please find attached a decision in relation to your request about ASADA. Yours sincerely JACQUELINE ELLERY A/COORDINA...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?