Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
Part of the Education and Training portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ACARA
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for a national curriculum from kindergarten to Year 12, a national assessment program that measures students' progress and a national data collection and reporting program that supports analysis, evaluation, research and resource allocation, and accountability and reporting.
20 requests
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ACARA Style/Writing/Brand guides
Follow up sent to Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority by Glenn Hamiltonshire on .
Long overdue.
I am following up regarding my previous Freedom of Information Request.
Acknowledging the delay caused by the holiday periods (happy holidays, for...
Naplan Test as taken by my daughter
Response by Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority to Charles William Rose on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Mr Rose
I confirm that your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Minister
for Education and Training (Cth) has been transferred to ACA...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?
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