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Printed from on February 23, 2025 09:21
Freedom of Information requests made by this person
This person has made no Freedom of Information requests using this site.
This person's 13 annotations
Hi, lokesh if u get data from DHA could you share with us please...
Hi, carson if you get the data from DHA could you share with us please....
Hi, Aruna if you get the data from DHA could you share with us please....
Could you ask them to get along with martial status please....
Could you please ask them to get data along with martial status please...
Could you please ask them to get data along with martial status please...
Could you please ask them to get data along with martial status please...
Could you ask them to get data along with martial status please...
Could you ask them to get you data along with martial status please...
Can you please ask dha to provide data along with martial status as well please...
Can you please ask them to send data along with martial status please
Can you Please ask them data along with martial status please
Can you please ask them to specify applicants with single or never married status and skilled partner status on each point range for 189 category.