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Printed from on March 29, 2025 18:51
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Dear Ty
Please find attached documents relating to your Freedom of Information
access application
o Decision letter and Reasons for...
Dear Ty
Please find attached documents relating to your Freedom of Information
access application
o Decision letter and Reasons for...
Dear Ty
Thanks for your email.
I confirm that these documents will be published on our disclosure log between 3-10 days from the date of de...
Dear T Wilson-Brown
Please find attached, in relation to your access application, your Access
application decision notice and the acc...
Good morning Tim,
Thank you for your question. No, Elections ACT does not maintain statistics on the number of physical ballot papers retrie...
I suspect that the answer to my question will be similar to this one - they've listed all the documents they hold.
Dear T
Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in a response, I have been on leave since I addressed your original access appli...
This person's 5 annotations
A decision on your access application is now due on 15 April 2021."
Due to third-party consultation.
"A decision on your access application is now due on 19 April 2021."
Due to third-party consultation.
I suspect that the answer to my question will be similar to this one - they've listed all the documents they hold.
This response from Elections ACT to a vote secrecy FOI contains some information about the overseas electronic voting system:
The response has been delayed until 13 November 2020:
"The Commission applied for an extension of time under section 42 of the Freedom of Information...