This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 289)
(page 10)
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please refer to the attached letter:
Kind regards
Evelyn Ong | Lawyer | ASIC
Deposit Takers, Credit & Insurers
Level 9,...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please refer to the attached letter.
Kind regards
Evelyn Ong | Lawyer | ASIC
Deposit Takers, Credit & Insurers
Level 9,...
Dear Sir
Please see letter attached.
Catherine Iles | Senior Lawyer, Market Integrity Enforcement | ASIC |
Melbourne | Ph: +61 3 9280 462...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find ASIC's response attached.
(See attached file: FOI Request - Internal Review.pdf)
Please consider the environment be...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see the attached letter.
Kind regards
APRA FOI Officer
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 22 December 2015.
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached ASIC's response to your FOI request dated 12 December
Greg Hackett | Senior Lawyer – Escalated M...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see attached, APRA’s revised Notice of Charge dated 26 November
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached ASIC's decision in relation to your FOI request,
received on 6 November 2015.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see the attached internal review decision.
Kind regards
FOI Officer
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Freedom of Information Request FOI15/176
I refer to my below email advising of the estimated charges for your FOI...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see the attached decision.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 30 September 2015.
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer
Dear Mr. Sweeney,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your request for
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Ct...
Dear Mr Sweeney
I attach correspondence in response to your Freedom of Information request
of 31 March 2015.
I have sent the original deci...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Kind regards,
Amy Dyde |...
Sensitive: Legal
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 10 April 2015.
APRA FOI Officer
Sensitive: Legal
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 10 April 2015.
APRA FOI Officer
Dear Mr Sweeney
You re-submitted your request on 11 March 2015 which has been finalised. You were notified of a decision on 1 April 2015...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Kind regards,
Amy Dy...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached a decision, schedule and document in relation to your request.
Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Sweeney,
My apologies for the delay. This material is now posted on the ACC disclosure log.
Kind regards,
Amy Dyde | Legal Services
FOI Co...
I'm not sure if I've already said this, but virtually any information that's provided by someone to APRA for the purposes of APRA's regulatory function...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Attached is the decision on your internal review request. This deals review deals with 18 of your requests for the 'approved form' as...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please find enclosed my decision regarding your FOI request for documents used to determine the bona fides of a trustee and due dilig...