Determining the Victims Loss
Dear Australian Crime Commission,
I am lodging a request for document pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The document I seek is related to an occupational pension trust establish in 1913 that has been known by several names including the Elders IXL Superannuation Fund.
The "authorised purpose" of the trust is to provide "pensions and benefits" to certain male officers, their wives, widows and dependants.
A purported Deed of Variation that bears the signature of Ken Jarret who served a term of imprisonment for Dishonest Conduct after an investigation by the former National Crime Authority purports to replace the pension benefit with a token lump sum benefit.
The document I seek
The document I seek includes the following words
"Benefit Calculation Sheet – How the Australian Crime Commission can determine the typical loss incurred by victims of Australia’s Worst White-Collar Crime"
The search period is from 2 January 2015
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Sweeney
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to you request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
Kind regards,
Amy Dyde | Legal Services
A/g FOI Coordinator
Australian Crime Commission
Ph: 02 62436620
[email address]
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to you request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
Kind regards,
Amy Dyde | Legal Services
FOI Coordinator
Australian Crime Commission
Ph: 02 62436620
[email address]
Dear foi,
Can you please advise when the document released will be posted on the ACC FOI Disclosure log in accordance with the provisions of the FOI Act?
The ACC has a good track record of compliance with the FOI Act since the new CEO was appointed.
Yours sincerely,
Phillip Sweeney
Dear Mr Sweeney,
My apologies for the delay. This material is now posted on the ACC disclosure log.
Kind regards,
Amy Dyde | Legal Services
FOI Coordinator
Australian Crime Commission
Ph: 02 62436620
[email address]