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Printed from on March 16, 2025 01:09
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 4)
Pretty slack
Yours faithfully,
Paddy Galvin
Yours sincerely,
Paddy Galvin
Dear Paddy,
Thank you for your email.
As no Access Application was lodged with us, we are cannot undertake an Internal Review.
Should you wish to co...
Your email has been received by Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council and
will be distributed to the appropriate section of Council for action.
This person's 4 annotations
Maybe it's necessary to join up to find out?
The basis to join the IDF isn't citizenship. If the Government with up graded Passport requirements and...
NSW government agencies are authorised to release government information to a person in response to an informal request by the person.
why do FOI's appear to omit regular correspondence? I note they checked 'electronic data base'