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Printed from on January 22, 2025 15:31
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 3)
Can we complain by requesting an internal review since this request was lodged in 2019 and they haven’t bothered to respond.
I noticed that the assent on 6th December is on a document that SPER refers us to. Its the STATE PENALTIES
ENFORCEMENT ACT 1999 Act No. 70 of 1999
Withdrawn by the requester.
Dear Ms Pickle
The Commonwealth Department of the Treasury received the FOI request you submitted. We believe that it was sent to us in error as it re...
This person's 2 annotations
I noticed that the assent on 6th December is on a document that SPER refers us to. Its the STATE PENALTIES
ENFORCEMENT ACT 1999 Act No. 70 of 1999
Thanks Stephanie, I realise that the State Penalties Enforcement Act was enacted but it seems to lack having gone through the due process to be made la...