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Printed from on February 23, 2025 22:32
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Thank you for your message and for prompting me about this. Yes, I agree to withdraw my two internal review requests (Ref FA19/03/01208-R1 and FA19/...
FOI Request: FA 19/12/00646
Dear Mr Green
This is the second and final email of documents released.
Dear Mr Green
FOI request FA 19/12/00662
I refer to your FOI request received on 12 December 2019, seeking access
to the fo...
Sorry for my slow reply! I was also on leave and on just saw this now. Yes I agree to the extension.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Green
FOI request: FA 19/03/01215-R1
Dear Mr Green,
Acknowledgement of Freedom of Information Internal review – FA 19/03/01215-R1
This requ...
Dear Michael Green,
FOI Request: FA 19/03/01222
I refer to your FOI request received on 22 March 2019, seeking access to...
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This person's annotations
None made.