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Printed from on March 26, 2025 19:30
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
The department says they didn't have the document when this request was made.
No matter, they refused access to the document later when Delimiter ask...
Dear Marcus
Email 3 containing the IGB Volume 2 (Administrative Brief).
Peter Hutchison
Legal Officer | Legal Section |...
Dear Mr Priest,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to
the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (refe...
Dear Mr Priest
Please find attached correspondence in response to your Freedom of
Information request to the former Department of Industry, Innovati...
Our reference: FA 13/09/00464; ADF2013/29564
To Mr Marcus Priest
Via: [FOI #391 email]
Dear Mr Priest
Thank you for your advice. This...
My second FoI request superseded the first. As a result I am seeking access to "incoming ministerial briefs and drafts"
Yours sincerely,
I wish to request a copy of the incoming ministerial brief provided to Minister Mark Butler
Yours faithfully,
Marcus Priest
This person's annotations
None made.