This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 42)
(page 2)
In how many, and what portion, of reports by minors of abuse or neglect in their home, are those minors returned to the custody of one of more alleg...
Yes I am satisfied and withdraw.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
OFFICIAL: Sensitive
8 September 2022
J Smith
BY EMAIL: [FOI #9354 email]
In reply please quote:
FOI Request: FA 22/0...
Information not held.
Good afternoon Mr Smith
I refer to your email of 25 August 2022 seeking administrative/informal
release of information as detailed in your email...
Dear Mr Smith,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request to the Department of Health.
Kind re...
I agree to withdraw, thank you.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
Dear John Smith,
Freedom of Information Decision – FOI 22/93775
Please find attached the decision letter and schedule of docume...
Good Morning John,
Your email has been received by the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service. I do not believe we would hold information in r...
I request all correspondence between the Minister's Office and the RSPCA (SA or national) about exemptions from pre-slaughter stunning requirements,...
Dear Mr Smith
I refer to your below email to the Australian Federal Police.
Based on my interpretation of your scope, you are seeking docume...
Reply above this line.
Your request has been resolved.
[1]View request · [2]Turn off this request's notifications
This is shared with [F...
Dear John Smith
We refer to your email dated 24 July 2022 to the former Department of
Agriculture, Water and the Environment seeking documents u...
Dear Mr Smith,
I refer to your request dated and received by Services Australia on 19
July 2022 for access to documents under the Freedom of Inf...
Dear Mr Smith
I refer to your request for records held by the former Department for
Child Protection and Family Support, now known as the Depart...
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
[1]FOI requests at Australian Strategic Policy Institute
([Australian Strategic Policy Institute...
I request the following information: yhe titles and delivery dates of all final reports and documents delivered to or produced by the Department, si...
Dear Mr Smith,
Please find attached correspondence related to the outcome of your FOI
Kind regards,
DFAT FOI tea...