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Printed from on March 11, 2025 22:18
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Clarification of request.
To clarify I wish to confirm the request is for the purposes of
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) (s15(2)(a...
Please see letter attached.
8 August 2024 Christopher Amos Chrysaor Pty Lt d By email: [FOI #11816 email] Dear Christoper Your freedom of informati...
Revision of scope of request. Clarification of request.
Could you please confirm:
1. The total final budget of the project; and
2. A c...
Dear Kirsten
Revision of scope of request. Clarification of request.
Could you please confirm:
1. The total final budget of the project; and
Dear Chrysaor Pty Ltd,
Thank you for your email requesting information in relation to the feature
documentary, “Hating Peter Tatchell”.
I wish to request information regarding the grant funding for the feature documentary "Hating Peter Tatchell," produced in 2020. It may show up in y...
This person's annotations
None made.