OAIC ref: FOIREQ22/00120
Dear Julie
Please find attached the third and fourth part of the document bundle
being released to you in relatio...
Dear Julie
I refer to my email below attaching a decision, documents and schedule.
The email was returned undeliverable.
Please find...
Dear Ben Fairless,
Please find attached decision, documents, and schedule in the above
Kind regards,
Dear Julie,
Please find our attached decision in the above matter.
Kind regards,
The information contained i...
On 1 June 2017, under FOIREQ17/00036, I made a valid FOI Request (administrative access sought in the first instance, but to be treated as an FOI Ap...
Dear Ms Pane
The OAIC’s decision in relation to the FOI request you made on 3 May 2018
is attached.
Raewyn Harlock | Assista...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/000156
Dear CR
Please find attached a decision, schedule and documents for release from
the delegate in relation...
Dear Waldek
Freedom of Information Request FOI23/463 and FOI23/500
I refer to your requests to the Attorney-General's Depart...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/00174
Dear Stoyan,
Please see attached decision, documents and schedule of today’s date on
behalf of the delegate...
Dear Me
Please find attached a decision of today's date.
Kind regards
Dr Rachel Ranjan
Senior Lawyer, FOI, Legal Services
Australian Securities and...
Dear Verity Pane,
Please find attached the second and final tranche of documents and
schedule released to you as part of yo...
Dear Ms Pane
I refer to your Freedom of Information request made on 1 November 2018.
Please see attached my decision and related documents....
Our reference: MR23/00027
Agency reference: FOIREQ22/00357
Verity Pane
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
By email: [1][...
Dear Ms Pane
Please find attached the decision in relation to your FOI request of 23
March 2017.
Raewyn Harlock | Assist...
Dear Ms Pane
A decision in response to the FOI request you made on 25 May 2017 is
attached. Also attached are the documents you requested.
Dear Verity Pane
FOI 24429 Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]themeData
Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping
Dear Ms. Pane,
Please find attached our decision letter of even date in relatio...
Dear Glenn
Please find attached a letter outlining ACIAR's decision regarding your FOI request, as well as relevant documents relating to thi...
Dear Ms Pane
A decision on your FOI request is attached, as are the documents you
Raewyn Harlock | Assistant...
Dear Ms Pane
A decision and the documents you requested on 22 April 2017 are attached
to this email.
Raewyn Harlock | Assist...
Dear Julie
Please find attached correspondence relating to your FOI request.
Kind regards
[1]O A I C logo Delaney Smith | Legal
Good afternoon
Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry in relation to your FOI...
Dear Anonymous
I attach the documents released under my decision dated 14 January 2021 in
this matter.
Yours sincerely
OAIC ref: FOIREQ24/00508
Dear CR
Please find attached documents in relation to the above FOI request.
Please note this email is part...
Our Reference: FOIREQ17/00012
Dear Ms Pane
Please see attached the Schedule of Documents and a copy of the documents
in relation to your r...