OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/00174
Dear Stoyan,
Please see attached documents and schedule of today’s date on behalf of
the delegate for the a...
Dear Mr Terhorst
Airservices is processing your FOI request (F24-78) that is currently due
5 December 2024. Please see the following...
Our reference: FOIREQ20/00220
Dear Julie,
Please find attached correspondence relating to your Freedom of
Information request.
Kind regards,
Dear ViMak
FOI request FA 23/08/01597
I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to
the following:...
Dear MBV,
Please find attached the decision in FOI 3289.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
The Treasury, La...
Dear Mr Moorcroft
Please see attached decision notice and documents released to you in
relation to your FOI request.
Kind r...
Dear Pam R
FOI request FA 25/01/00926
I refer to your FOI request received on 18 January 2025, seeking access to
the following:...
Dear Julie
Please find attached documents relating to your Freedom of Information
[1]O A I C logo John Molloy...
OAIC ref: FOIREQ22/00095
Dear Julie
Please find attached our decision, document schedule and first part of the
document bundle regarding y...
Good afternoon Julie,
This is email 2 of 2.
[1]O A I C logo Emily Elliott | Senior Lawyer
Legal Services
Office of the Australi...
Our ref: FOIREQ22/00356
Dear Verity Pane
Please find attached documents in relation to the above FOI request. This
is email 2 of 3.
Dear BE,
FOI LEX 45273 – Decision and Documents
Please find attached the decision in response to your Freedom of
Information request submi...
Dear Tod
Thank you for your email to the Attorney-General’s Department Freedom of Information unit.
A copy of the SES Band 1 salary ranges can be f...
Dear BE
Please see attached a decision in relation to your FOI request (our
reference FOI 22/57).
Kind regards
Good afternoon Mr Sheehy
Please find attached the decision made in response to the Freedom of
Information request LEX 51051.
Dear Asher
I refer to your request below. As these documents are in the public
domain, I am sending you these copies as an a...
Dear Posty
Please find attached the Department of Jobs and Small Business’ decision
on access in relation to your request dated 1 January 2015....
Dear Gary
Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your
request for access to documents held by Services Australia....
Dear Me
Please find attached a decision of today's date.
Kind regards
Dr Rachel Ranjan
Senior Lawyer, FOI, Legal Services
Australian Securities and...
Dear Mr Pentland,
I have been appointed in accordance with s54C of the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth) to review the decision made by Mr Antho...
FOI request FA 22/10/00341
Dear Rowan O’Hara
I refer to your FOI request received on 5 October 2022, seeking access to
the foll...
Dear Mr McLeod,
Please find attached a letter in respect of your FOI request 190420, and
relevant documents.
If you have any questions, pl...
Dear Mr Drake
Freedom of Information Request – FOI 22/54
Thank you for your email to the Department of Finance (Finance) request...
Good evening,
Please find attached decision letter and release bundle for LEX 57840.
Kind regards,
Suzanne| Information Access Officer
Good afternoon
I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
Please find atta...