Requests similar to 'Minutes of all meetings of NAIF’s independent statutory board'

OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Terhorst   Airservices is processing your FOI request (F24-78) that is currently due 5 December 2024. Please see the following...
SEC=OFFICIAL Dear Mr Drake   We note that while some of the specific document pathways lead to “Page Not Found” errors, the website can still be...
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James,   Please find attached the Decision and part 1 of the documents relating to Defence FOI 1003/23/24. Due to the file size, t...
Annual Reports 2000/01 to 2009/10
Response by Australian Federal Police to Asher Hirsch on .


UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Asher   Attached are the 07 and 08 reports.   Kind regards   MATT BAILLIE TEAM LEADER - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION CH...
Space Grants

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Jon Smith,   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 4 February 2024.   Should you have any que...
Hi Matilda Duncan Please see requested documents attached. Part 4(b) of 4. Note part 4 needed to be split into 4(a) and 4(b) due to file size limits...
OFFICIAL Dear ViMak   FOI request FA 23/08/01597   I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to the following:...
Senate Estimates briefs 2024-25
Response by Services Australia to Gary Moorcroft on .

Partially successful.

Dear Gary   Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held by Services Australia....
OFFICIAL Dear Pam R   FOI request FA 25/01/00926   I refer to your FOI request received on 18 January 2025, seeking access to the following:...
Dear Alex   Please find attached:   o Attachment 1 - an email thread containing your FOI request for “access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/...
List of Accredited Sponsors
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Ravi on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Ravi   FOI Request FA 20/06/00144   I refer to your FOI request received on 1 June 2020 seeking access to the following:...
Dear James Adams   Thank you for your request. Please see attached documents.   Regards   Fernando Espinosa FOI P: 1800 035 544 E: [1]...
[SEC=OFFICIAL] Dear P.C. Sweeney   Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water i...
Question Time Briefs
Response by Department of Social Services to BE on .

Partially successful.

Dear BE,   FOI LEX 45273 – Decision and Documents   Please find attached the decision in response to your Freedom of Information request submi...
Dear Posty   Please find attached the Department of Jobs and Small Business’ decision on access in relation to your request dated 1 January 2015....
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Hamiltonshire,   We refer to your Freedom of Information request (FOI 137) of 25 November 2024.   Please find attached:  ...
List of temporary activities sponsors - December 2024
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Pujan on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Pujan,   I am writing to notify you of my decision in relation to your data request DA24/12/00014. Your request will be sent to yo...
Updated list of accredited visa sponsors
Response by Department of Home Affairs to burlin on .


OFFICIAL Dear Lin   FOI request FA 22/08/00560   I refer to your FOI request received on 10 August 2022, seeking access to the following:...
OFFICIAL Dear Aupa   FOI request FA 23/07/00824   I refer to your FOI request received on 13 July 2023, seeking access to the following: I...
OFFICIAL Dear Glenn Please find attached a letter outlining ACIAR's decision regarding your FOI request, as well as relevant documents relating to thi...
UNCLASSIFIED This is email three of four   Best regards,     Adam Ivancic Administrator Governance & Policy Commonwealth Superannuatio...
Dear Mr Monceaux   Please find attached decision letter and documents subject to your FOI request of 8 January 2017. Please note that Document 1 s...
APS Staff Census
Response by Australian Public Service Commission to Oscar Thompson on .


Dear Mr Thompson,   Please see the attached decision letter and document released to you in response to your request for access to documents under...
Department's Question Time Briefs for 4 July 2024
Response by Department of Social Services to Vincent Sheehy on .

Awaiting classification.

Good afternoon Mr Sheehy   Please find attached the decision made in response to the Freedom of Information request LEX 51051.   Regards  ...
OFFICIAL FOI request FA 22/10/00341   Dear Rowan O’Hara   I refer to your FOI request received on 5 October 2022, seeking access to the foll...