Requests similar to 'human Rights abuse'

Dear Mr Pentland Please see attached a decision letter in relation to your FOI request and accompanying documents. Kind regards, Hashini Pandith...
Uluru Statement from the Heart
Response by Attorney-General's Department to Thomas on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Thomas   Freedom of Information Request FOI23/417   I refer to your request to the Attorney-General's Department (the departme...
Dear Mr Pentland   I refer to your FOI request dated 28 March 2024.   Please find attached a notice of decision, schedule and bundle of docume...
Stradford (a pseudonym) v Judge Vasta [2023] FCA 1020
Response by Attorney-General to Waldek on .


OFFICIALOFFICIALOFFICIAL   Agency ref:         AGOFOI23/465 OAIC ref:             MR23/01375   Dear Mr Lupinski   I refer to your request...
Stradford (a pseudonym) v Judge Vasta [2023] FCA 1020
Response by Attorney-General's Department to Waldek on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL   Dear Waldek   Freedom of Information Request FOI23/463 and FOI23/500   I refer to your requests to the Attorney-General's Depart...
Dear JS, Thank you for your email. The documents released to the applicant on 13 May 2019 are the same as those reflected in the Guardian Newspaper re...
Hi Ben   I attach a notice of my decision along with a copy of all documents falling within the scope of your request. I have attached both pdf an...
OFFICIAL Dear ViMak   FOI request FA 23/08/01597   I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to the following:...
Dear Jane, The Australian Human Rights Commission has begun processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act). You re...
Selection criteria and funding
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to A Q-S on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear A Q-S   I refer to your FOI request dated 5 September 2023.   Please find attached a notice of decision, schedule and bundle of documents...
Orgnisations that use non-consenually gathered images
Response by eSafety Commissioner to Eliza Sorensen on .

Partially successful.

Dear Eliza,   I refer to your revised request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 received by the eSafety Commissioner on 19 M...
OFFICIAL: Sensitive Dear Oliver Smith,   FOI request FA 24/08/00708   I refer to your FOI request received on 12 August 2024, seeking access...
Dear Mr Timmins   Please find attached the decision, schedule and relevant documents in relation to your request.   Kind regards   Rocelle...
OFFICIAL   Dear Lynne,   FOI request FA 23/11/01408   I refer to your FOI request received on 26 November 2023, seeking access to the foll...
Dear Mr Buckley,   Please find attached FOI decision made by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) in relation to the F...
CGC Style/Writing/Brand Guides
Response by Commonwealth Grants Commission to Glenn Hamiltonshire on .


OFFICIAL Dear Mr Hamiltonshire, Thank you for your reply. Please find attached the documents you have requested. The CGC understands that this matte...
Social media policy
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to James Smith on .


Dear Mr Smith   I refer to your FOI request of 18 April 2016.   Please see attached:   o My decision in response to your FOI request; o A...
Dear Bob Buckley Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to Request 1.  If you r...
TPP and Related Documents (IP Australia)
Response by IP Australia to Brendan Molloy on .

Partially successful.

[Upload from FOI disclosure log by Right To Know administrators] Trans Pacific Partnership FTA and Gene Patenting 23 Oct 2013 Release Type: Part r...
Dear Mr Norwood, The Australian Human Rights Commission's current disclosure log is available on its website here:
The Welton Investigation
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to Mr Welton on .

Information not held.

Dear Mr Welton, Thank you for your email to the Commission. This email was addressed to the Commission's FOI inbox but it does not contain a request...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire,   The Australian Human Rights Commission has begun processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)...
Dear Nosey   The Australian Human Rights Commission has begun processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act)....
The power to enforce United Nations treaties
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to Laszlo Nagy on .

Information not held.

Dear Mr Nagy,   I understand that you requested that the Commission provide you with a copy of ‘the instrument that forces courts to abide by inte...
Tim Wilson, the IPA and the Liberal Party
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to Nil on .

Waiting clarification.

Dear FOI Applicant   I refer to my below emails, and to your FOI request made on 6 February 2019.   The Commission has been considering your r...